energy body

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Little Itchy Bumps on Son's Body

K.I. asks from Indianapolis

I am having a problem with our youngest 5 year old son. He has developed itchy little bumps all over his body. At first,it was on his hands and I thought it looked ex...


I Am to Freakd Out by Postnatal Body , Dr. Keeps Chunking Depression Pills, ....

E.M. asks from Chicago

I had my baby 4 months 2 weeks ago ,and basically I am ok until my husband and I have sex I keep covering my meatloaf belly , and my vagina feels to loose. Or I get t...


Body Image in the Way of Weight Loss/better Self-care?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi mamas, I'm 45, 5'5" tall and 161 lbs. I'm not thrilled with that. I put most of it on when I was pregnant 6.5 years ago, but a little more added on in the last...


Does the Weather Affect Your Energy and Mood? I Need Some Tips...

A.C. asks from Salt Lake City

I am just wondering if anyone else goes through this. Anytime the weather changes drastically (very overcast, cold, rainy) I become this different person! I get so le...


Out of Ideas and energy...weaning off the Bottle. Help.

S.M. asks from New York

A little background info... Roughly 2 months after I gave birth to my twin girls I found out I had Mono. For months I tried to get more sleep and take care of myse...


...Nourishing Our Body for Exercise

L.L. asks from Topeka

What do you eat before your work out from extensive - light work out such a brisk walk a mile or two do you eat a snack afterwards if so what do you eat to not undo t...


Is Powerbar Performance Energy Good for Kids?

D.T. asks from Los Angeles

They sell these at our gym and all the kids buy them, are they ok for kids? Thank you.


Do You Allow Your Kids to Drink Energy Drinks?

M.C. asks from Detroit

My 16 year old daughter drinks these things. I say these drinks aren't good for you. She argues that they are healthier than soda. I don't know, I just think they ...


Menopause (Hot Flashes and Night Sweats) and Energy

D.W. asks from Washington DC

Lately, I have been experiencing severe menopause symptoms such as hot flashes during the day and night sweats at night. The hot flashes seemed to happen during the...


Explaining a Soul or Spirit Going to Heaven but Not the Body to a 4 Year Old.

B.C. asks from Dallas

Today we went to my husband's grandma's wake. My DD didn't know her well but just visited for a weekend in Jan. Anyway, at the wake, my daughter's cousin who lives in...

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Answer Highlights

  • hot flashes and night sweats in 2 answers "I reduced symptoms and was free of hot flashes and night sweats through adjustments ..."
  • ended up going cold turkey in 2 answers "... were weaning, though they drank water no problem. We ended up going cold turkey ..."
  • ben wa balls in 2 answers "I would suggest using Ben Wa Balls...they help tighten your ""
  • starvation mode in 2 answers "... starve yourself too much because than your body will go into a starvation mode ..."
  • 9 months to put on the weight in 2 answers "I heard somewhere it takes 9 months to put on the weight and 9 months to lose it."