I have custody of my 15 month old grandson. He is a very happy, active little boy and gives me a lot of happiness. My biggest problem is trying to change his diaper...
My 6 year old son, he was so cute. So he's thinking about what to wear to school last night! He decides to wear his Silly Bandz to school... he decides to wear 4 of t...
Our family loves Halloween, it is by far our favorite holiday! We always dress up in a theme and it's super fun. This year our 4 year old daughter Juliet picked the t...
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who I am having a terrible time with when it comes to getting dressed. She has her few favorite outfits she will wear, and if I try ...
Both of my children like to play dress up. It has never been a bad thing, except they would play dress up in their own clothes which lead to tons of laundry and it w...
I have a 2, nearly 3 year old, who likes to pick out his own clothes and dress himself. I am fine with that and I encourage his indepenence, but he will only wear ab...
My 2nd grader has to dress up as a wolf on Friday. it is part of a project on fairy tales and he is doing "The 3 Little Pigs". Any suggestions on how to dress ? Th...
My 4 year old admantly refuses to wear any clothing lately. We live in Utah, and it's been cold. I won't allow her to wear short sleeves. She likes to wear leggings, ...
My kitchen has 2 windows that I would like to put curtains on (for decoration, not privacy). The over the counter window is the basic window that most people have in...
Truth be told, I enjoy Halloween much more now as my kids are older. I can just gush over everyone's cute costumes and not fret about my own! I can actually relax, ha...