Need Helpful Ideas for Dressing a Squirmng Toddler

Updated on March 17, 2008
C.L. asks from Glen Burnie, MD
38 answers

I have custody of my 15 month old grandson. He is a very happy, active little boy and gives me a lot of happiness. My biggest problem is trying to change his diaper and dress him. Changing the diaper has become a battle because he had a bout of diarrhea several days ago and since his bottom was so sore, he fights me and continually tries to roll over on his tummy while I'm trying to change his diaper. Also, getting his clothes on is a wrestling match, too. Any suggestions? Is this just a phase that he will get over (quickly, I hope)?

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answers from Washington DC on

Hi... I know it is tough to get a toddler dressed. Basically I wish it got better from here but well toddlers don't like to get dressed or stay dressed. My little one is 2 1/2 and still fights me to get her dressed I basically have to make a game out of it. If all else fails, parents understand that toddlers do not like getting dressed. We have left the house in princess dresses, jammies, and ballet outfits because that is all she will wear.

Good luck



answers from Washington DC on

Hi C.,

My personal experience with my son is not good news for you. I had to hold my son down with my legs while I changed his diaper. Get the best diaper rash cream (Balmex is really thick and stays on for a long time) you can find and hopefully it will go away soon.

However... if his bottom looks like you took a cheese grater to it, he might have a yeast infection. Those are AWFUL! My son used to get them every time he had diareaha. Once I learned what the yeast infection looked like, I would use regular vaginal yeast medicine and it would clear within a day or two. If it looks angry red, take him to his pediatrician.

Good luck.



answers from Washington DC on

Is it possible for you to diaper him while he is standing? I could never do it, but my daughter can. I think it's easier. Can he help to pick out his clothes? Give him a choice of 2 shirts, then 2 pants etc. If he has some control over what's happening, it may make dressing easier. My 4-yr-old grandson refuses to wear matching socks; he needs more color on his feet, he says.

Good luck.

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answers from Washington DC on

My husband taught me to get their attention by telling a story. My little boy loves "ultraman" and godzilla stories. I recount what happens in the story and ask him questions. Once his attention is on something else, he cooperates with getting dressed. Also encouraging them to work on dressing themselves, (socks) is great. Say, " You're too little to do it yourself." They often respond by trying to do it and then I act surprised and very happy with them.



answers from Washington DC on

Not sure if you've tried this, but giving him a toy to distract him might help. My daughter is 11 months old and also very squirmish during diaper time, but a toy usually calms her down just long enough for me to finish changing her. Good luck!!



answers from Richmond on

It's very normal :-) I still have trouble sometimes with my 2 1/2 year old.....The best solution I've found is to try and distract her ie., change her focus from getting her diaper changed/dressed to something else so then she forgets what I'm doing. This can be via a toy or a conversation.......Good luck!



answers from Washington DC on

Hi C.:

I have a 10 month son, and he is so much more active than my daughter when she was that age! He wiggles and squirms when I'm trying to change him as well. The only advice I have is to give him a special toy that he doesn't get to play with except when you're changing him. This could be anything. I sometimes give my son a plastic measuring cup or a mixing spoon or even a plastic (closed) soda bottle. He doesn't normally play with these items, so they're a novelty and he'll usually sit still long enough for me to change him then.

Also, if he has diarrhea, I would suggest using paper towels dipped in warm water to wipe him with instead of wipes. Most wipes contain alcohol, and it just burns when they're already sore. Paper towels may sound scratchy, but that and the warm water is a lot more soothing to their little bottoms.

Hope this helps.



answers from Washington DC on

Sometimes my 2 y.o. is like that, especially if he's had a diaper rash. First, I tell him that I need to changes his diaper, and that I know it hurt (whenever it was) but it won't hurt this time. Then I try to sing him songs, things that will occupy his hands (Itsy Bitsy Spider, or If You're Happy And You Know It, or peek-a-boo, or I make funny faces to make him laugh. I found if I gave my son a toy, he would inevitably get it into his poop, so I try not to do that.

As for changing clothes, I give him a choice of two things and let him decide what he wants to wear: the red one or the blue one, etc. That keeps him more interested in the clothes. Also, sometimes he just doesn't want to lay down for me to change his clothes on the changing table so I have to do it while he's standing up sometimes. He's more agreeable then, but it's not as easy for me!

Good luck!


answers from Washington DC on

hee! wiggly babies!
i know it's not practical for every change, but when possible have a shallow tubby of warm water and take his diaper off right there next to it and dunk the stinky baby in. of course, this won't work if you don't have enough energy to clean the tub afterwards<G>. but the warm water is fun and less likely to cause the fight response, at least til you get him past this.
then let him run around nakey for as along as is reasonably safe for your carpets and furniture.
you are a wonderful grandmother. prayers and best of luck to you!
:) khairete



answers from Macon on

Hello C.! My daughter has been doing the same thing recently...wiggling and kicking and giggling while I try to put her diaper and pants on. I find that if I distract her with a story--like "after this, we're going to pick up our things, walk down the stairs, turn off the light, go outside with the dog..." I give her step-by-step details of what we'll be doing--and use lots of inflection in my voice while slowly telling her everything. It seems to make her relax and concentrate on what I'm saying all while I change her! Seems extreme, I know, but it works!



answers from Washington DC on

It helps when I let my son pick which room he'll be changed in. (On his changing table in his bedroom or on the floor in my office.) Also, I have a station wagon, so if we're outside and I tell him we have to go in for a diaper change and then give him the choice of getting changed in the back of the car, he almost smiles and picks the car. He also has a friend who likes to lay down, so sometimes I'll say, do you want to lie down like Danny? And he will. I can't over-use it though. Letting him run around naked after he's been good seems to help too. Good luck! I wish you patience and lots of hugs!!!




answers from Norfolk on

When you change his diaper or change his clothes, you can try and place a sticker, picture of his favorite character, magazine page, etc. on the wall (that he can look while you change him). You can ask him where the picture is and if this works you can change the picture or the place you put it. He can then focus on the picture or object while you change him (the picture is new and different & his focus now is on this new object). Hope this helps!



answers from Washington DC on

try giving him a toy to play with. Maybe a toy he's never played with before and when he bores of it get a new one. the $1 section at target is full of junky stuff babys love. My child did the same thing to me Ugghhh. It is annoying, I know. You are a good woman. They are lucky to have you. i was reading some of the responses and I like all of them, but I think you'd be creating a monster if you let him take his own diaper off. Once they discover the mall, store, at night, You'll have some unpleasant surprises.



answers from Norfolk on

Wow! Let me first say you will be blessed by God for taking care of your grandchildren. I have a very busy 18 month old boy and am due with our second in July. As far as his bottom being sore you just may want to reassure him that this will not hurt and try to give him one of his toy's to play with while you change his diaper. As far as the clothes, again you may want to give him the toy to hold on to but you may also have to get tough. Use a firm voice and explain to him what you are doing. He will get used to the routine.
Best wishes - Victoria



answers from Norfolk on

First kudos to you for taking on your grandkids!

Yes, its a stage he will outgrow but the squirming can be a real pain. Try keeping some special toys by the changing area and let him hold them only when he's there. That may give you just enough time to get him changed with out driving you crazy. Sometimes with my daughter I just take everything to the floor and change her there, and I try build in time and just know it may take a while. It always seems the worst when I am rushing out the door. Good luck! Oh for the sore bottom we love Bag Balm and Desitin Creamy.



answers from Washington DC on

Sing-sing-and more singing! I'm on #3 who is now almost a year. For all three of them I just played the find your belly button game, or sang head-shoulders-knees-and toes, or asked "where should mommy kiss," "where's the tickle bug," "peek-a-boo arms/toes/head/ect." and more. Make it fun and they won't mind doing it. My 10 m.o. won't take toys anymore so I have to be the entertainment. I've kissed his cute little toes more times than I can count! I also just change them on the floor where I can sit and manage it all. Good luck!



answers from Richmond on

Hello C., I was thinking that you can either make it a game or make up a song. Whenever my son does not want to brush his teeth, I make a song and game out of it and it makes the task easier. Use his favorite song, like "Happy and You Know It" and change the words to fit the task. "If you happy and you know it put on your shirt" something like that. Kids love games and songs, specially if they can interact with it all. Good Luck!!



answers from Charlottesville on

Try including him in the process. If the diaper isn't too messy, ask him to take it off himself. You would still help him get clean, but give him as much reponsibility for the situation as you can. Once he's clean, he can put another diaper on once you show him how. Set the diaper on the floor, already opened. Show him where to sit down, and how to attach the tape. He won't get it right to your satisfaction, but if it's on, try to leave it alone. He will take great pride in having done something like this on his own.



answers from Cumberland on

I have two dds with sensory processing disorder. This is a little trick we learned from our occupational therapist. Do you have one of those inexpensive massagers? I'm not sure the stores still have out the ones that look like animals or bugs, but my kids like those best. Rub the massager all over his body except for his head and belly before you dress him. Then let him hold the vibrating massager while you are changing or dressing him. The massager reduces some of the tactile overstimulation some kids feel when they are being dressed or changed. We used the brushing technique on our girls, but that requires some training from an OT and this is simple.

Good luck!


answers from Allentown on

Hi C.,

Getting the baby pull up diapers can be helpful.

Dressing the baby, give him short commands as you state what you need him to do. For Example: "Put your arm in."
"Put your foot in."

Hope this helps. Good luck. D.



answers from Washington DC on

I learned to change my son's diaper on his tummy. Easier than it sounds. Maybe sing a song each time he gets dressed and make it like a fun little game. Good luck!



answers from Sacramento on

Best idea is some toy small enough for him to hold but not big enough to get in the way...distraction is always a good friend when changing diapers on squirmy boys!

As for changing clothes is he ready to start helping? If you can enlist him and reward him it helps. My daughter loves picking out a shirt and pants then helping with the zipper etc

Good luck



answers from Dover on

dear C.,

boys are wiggly to begin with but make sure that he understands you mean business when you tell him to stay still and say it in a firm but loving voice. You are going to have to learn how to set parameters with him and may i say your daughter as well. tell her you will not be raising anymore of her children and she needs to get her act together. God bless you for taking in these kids as your own.

blessings, L.



answers from Washington DC on

My son (14 mos) is super squirmy as well, and the thing that seems to work the best is just finding a toy or object that he is very fascinated by to play with while I get him ready. Maybe saving an object he likes a lot or is particularly fascinated with (the more lights and sounds and buttons, the better) just for "getting ready" time.

Also, I will give my son his morning breakfast bottle while I'm changing him so his hands and focus are on eating and not what I'm doing.

God bless you for this big task you have taken over of raising your grandchildren.



answers from Norfolk on

I've found it to be a phase with my girls (for the most part). They should grow out of the worst of it, but then when they turn 2 you may have to make up some rules for getting dressed because they will be at that 2 year old stage, but for me that has been noraml. My girls are 2 1/2 and 14 months.



answers from Norfolk on

Hi C.,

I have 4 year old twins and let me tell you it was a hand full getting them both dressed at the same time. What I would do is give them something to distract them to play with. Sometimes it was a toy and sometimes as simple as a wipe. That's what helped me out the most.

R. T



answers from Norfolk on

Give him car keys or something he'd normally not get to play with. I take care of a squirmy little girl, and sometimes i give her an item to hold, and other times I take charge and make her sit still. Being patient doesn't always work.



answers from Washington DC on

He will calm down eventually, but until then you could try giving him something to hold-ask him to show you how he . . . with the toy, sing to him, have him focus on your face-make funny faces, wearing a funny hat, something like that. He's probably too young for bribery, but it can't hurt to try!



answers from Washington DC on

We made a box of things that he can hold only during the changes. Like a watch, a ball, popcorn on a package. Some of the things aren't for babies but he only gets it with me changeing him and with every good change I praise



answers from Washington DC on

When my child has done this, I have held her for a minute and asked her to calm down.

Much to my surprise (I was very frustrated the first time I tried this), it worked.

As for his bum hurting part of the squirming, that is something you will have to ride out. If it hurts, he isn't going to be cooperative.



answers from Norfolk on

Hi C.,

Look at it as your daily workout routine. It beats running around in the rain or the heat! I have 7 grandchildren that all live too far for me to even see--enjoy the one you've got close to you. Abuela



answers from Norfolk on

Hi C., sorry if I repeat anything that anyone else replied with I didn't read the other posts. I'm trying to go through my email real quick. Ok so my suggestion is put on a tv show the baby likes or a baby einstein video. I didn't put tv on much for my kids that age but if you laid him on the floor in front of the tv maybe he would be distracted and you could change his diaper and clothes. Other suggestion is to give him a toy that he only has when he gets changed. Just thought I would throw a few things out there. Good luck.




answers from Washington DC on

My son has been like this since he learned to roll over, now we chase him around the room. I occasionally use pullups (Huggies with the sides that can come apart like a diaper for poopy messes) when I am tired and can just easily pull it on him. I have learned to change him standing up. I'm hoping that his resistance to diaper changes will make him more willing to potty train. (my daughter loved having hers changed and wasn't trained until after 3). Good luck!



answers from Washington DC on

Hi C., my daughter HATES having her diaper change. She just doesn't have time to be bothered! Sometimes she is fine with it and other times its a battle. I change her diaper on the floor and place my leg over her torso. I don't put enough weight to hurt/crush her, just enought to keep her from running off. Sometimes (and I do mean sometimes) I can distract her by singing, playing games or toys. When she is good I lay on extra praise! Good luck, this can be frustrating!




answers from Stockton on

For diapers we change her on a changing pad on the floor (didnt have the money to afford a changing table) but it alleviates the worry that she will roll off the table. My daughter would squirm while getting her diaper changed, and I found that if we gave her toys they would promptly go in the dirty diaper in the midst of changing! so I talk to her and explain what Im doing and what we are going to do later that day and it focuses her. Also, I've found for dressing an energetic kid that once the diaper was on it was easier to let her run around for a minute. (We always get my daughter dressed in the same room and shut the door so she cant leave). Then Id take her shirt slip it over her head while she was examining something (a book for instance) and she would help me by trying to lift her arms in the sleeves. Let her play for another minute and then the pants and socks. This is our routine for after bathtime. Also Ive found that having a bookcase and making the bottom shelf "her" shelf is helpful. She beelines to it every time. And because we does this every day she knows what to expect. Routines are a blessing! Good luck!



answers from Washington DC on

Does your Grandson still have a sore bottom? If so the wipes are going to really sting and add to the problem. When my son had diarrhea I used a soft cloth and a bowl of warm water to clean him. It's a bit more gross and messy, but a lot more soothing and may help the problem. When my son is being generally wiggly when I am trying to change him then giving him a toy or something interesting to hold usually distracts him for long enough to get the necessaries accomplished.

Good Luck

L. P



answers from Norfolk on

Both of my children did go through that phase. I found making dressing a game helped. Putting the shirt over their head and saying "uh-oh where's Jonathan??" Pull it over the rest of the way... "there he is!!" For pants... "Look at the hole in there, what goes in the hole? Mommy's arm? (I'd try to shove my arm in) Noooo. Jonathan's foot goes through that hole!!" After I'd put the leg through I'd say, "Ta-da" like it was a great performance.
Of course distraction sometimes worked.
As for the dipes... this was a HUGE struggle with my son. I'd have to put one of my legs across his stomach while sitting on the floor with him to keep him from rolling away.
When he had diarrhea I would let him go diaperless for a little while which usually helped the rash too.
For some reason my daughter was never as much of a struggle.
Hope that helps.



answers from Washington DC on

Hi C.,
My daughter is about to turn two and she started squirming as soon as she could crawl. I have found the best way to dress/change her is to give her a modicum of power over the situation. Let him pick the room and or piece of furniture on which he wants to be changed. Allow him to take a toy or book with him to play with as he's being changed. Also try counting down the time before he has to be changed - "okay, _____ we are going to change your diaper in five minutes... four minutes... three minutes etc." That way he won't feel like he's been ripped from his favorite toy or activity. Lastly, talk him through the process so he knows what's going on as you are changing him. "First we open the diaper. Then we get some wipes... etc."
A great book for those of us with toddlers is "The Magic Years". I highly recommend it.
Hope this helps.

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