I'm not sure what is going on with my 2.5 year old. Lately, she has been throwing tantrums by screaming very loud and long until we respond. Also, she has been waking...
My 2 year old grandson can not sleep without his legs moving constantly. He tosses & turns & kicks the entire time he is asleep. Night time is worse than nap time. He...
For me it was Literature and Business Marketing and yes (sort of), I work part time for a political research editor, so I can be at home before and after my son goes/...
Married now going on 12 years,he is my 3rd husband, only grown children the youngest is 22 and living on his own. The new -- current problem is ages old and I thought...
I am looking for help for my mother. Some background info: My father passed away in Sept. 07. They were married 50 years and had been together since they were teenag...
Ok, so first let me say, I know this is going to upset a few people- you have no clue what it was like for me. My MIL and FIL live with my family. My FIL is depressed...
We got this 5 month old cat 10 years ago and she has never had an accident until now. At the beginning of the summer we went out of town for a week and came back to ...
debate here
i wont give my kids meds thats not prescribed or in their age group but my inlaw and kids dad say albuterol is okay. I was just wondering because they sa...
Ok--I know that we have all had issues at some point in time with in-laws. My situation is this---my MIL called me a few weeks ago to see if I would check our daughte...
Do things your kids ask you click sometimes? Where they ask you an off-the-wall question and then you give them an answer and say "okay - why 'd you ask that?" and th...