Have him tested for rls if he has it it's better to get treatment now then wait. I know I have had it all my life and was just started treatment a couple of years ago. it will get worse if thats what it is. B.
My 2 year old grandson can not sleep without his legs moving constantly. He tosses & turns & kicks the entire time he is asleep. Night time is worse than nap time. He sleeps good & wakes up in a happy mood. I think he is just used to it by now. Any ideas???
Have him tested for rls if he has it it's better to get treatment now then wait. I know I have had it all my life and was just started treatment a couple of years ago. it will get worse if thats what it is. B.
Hello C.,
I understand completely. I do that once in a while, and I find that if you rub like a product for cramping or sore muscles on his legs before he goes to bed and maybe put a pillow on top of his legs may help.
I have tei fu oil that you can purchase from anyone who sells Nature Sunshine Products. It is a wintergreen oil that smells so nice and relaxing and makes the skin feel relaxed.
Typically they say restless leg is from a lack of magnesium and potassium. Check with a nutritionist!!
Author of THE BOOK "I'm Doing The Best I Can!" (They won't always be cute and adorable)
Give him a massage to help settle him down. I took an infant massage class when my son was about 5 months old and he still loves to have me rub lotion on him. Use lavender scented stuff. Make sure he has a solid bedtime routine and maybe a warm bath beforehand. If it continues to be bothersome, check with your pediatrician b/c he could be lacking in some sort of nutrition or certain vitamin. I have heard of restless legs mainly in adults but seldom children. I am no expert, but I understand b/c my son grits his teeth at night especially when he is super tired. Good luck!
My 3 year old had the same symtoms. I took her to a podiatrist in brandon. She had some kind of fasciatis, she had flat feet and after a day playing she was in pain. She needed orthodics to corect her flat foot.
I HIGHLY recomend him. His specialty is working with the Bio-Mechanics of your feet and how they affect you. You willlove him. My daughter has not complained anymore
Brandon Area Dr. Trans ###-###-####
I'm a grandmother of 9 and greatgrandma of 1. Experience?
When the legs have this type of a response, I looked at nutrition and possibly a calcium magnesium deficiency. Does the child drink sodas which deplete the body of calcium? How many sweets does he have daily. Sugar does the same thing.
You may like to take a look at food supplements - possibly
Shaklee which is sold only by independent distributors and is the only company I trust because of the Science.
Dear C. -
Have you heard of restless leg syndrome? See a Dr. about it. Your Grandson can be helped by a Feratin supplement (this is a kind of iron). My nephew has restless leg syndrome which is how I know about it. He takes Feratin and an Omega 3 supplement.
L. M.
Hi C.,
"Restless Leg" is a new "disease." In most adults it is caused by certain pharmaceuticals and in children it is caused by environmental toxins. Both common chemicals today.
My daughter did the same thing. At the time I thought it was cute that she tapped her feet even when she was asleep and it didn't seem to bother her or wake her. When I removed the chemicals from my house because my parents moved in, her legs stopped tapping. My parents had dementia and I was so scared Daddy would drink the Windex. It was the same color as his Gatorade and there is no way to lock up chemicals from a grown man so I removed them completely from the house.
I also saw drastic improvement in her reading (I homeschool) so I began to research what I just done. Windex, Pledge are extremely dangerous neurotoxins. Chlorine bleach was invented for neurological warfare by our military. WE now dilute it down and wash our sheets in it! These things don't just cause your feet to tap, they can do long term damage.
Not only are they dangerous to use but they outgas and contraindicate just like pharmaceuticals do. When you walk down the chemical isle at the grocery store you smell the chemicals..those aren't broken bottles. Children are closer to the floor and chemicals are heavier than air. They also have smaller lungs and breath more breaths per minute than adults so they take in more.
Go to my website www.go2harmony.healthyhometour.com and do a quick review of what's in your house. If you are interested in hearing more please let me know. Detoxing your home can be very simple and it doesn't have to be expensive. You will build his little immune system so he can fight off those outside stimuli when he's out in the world!
I hope I helped!
Hi C. I.
I am C. G. and Grandmother of many. The last 20 years have studied alternative health and am a practitioner of Aromatherapy for Health. In my studies, I have learned the huge importantance of magnesium and know that it helps restless leg and many, many other health issues. With our soils being depleted these days, the natural sources of magnesium and other minerals are not in our foods. If you would like to know my sources, please contact me direct. The Book "Miracles of Magnesium" tells the many health benefits of magnesium. My legs and eye twitching totally went away from taking it. There is also a physician in Toronto(that I have gone to) that insists on taking magnesium before other prescriptions would be given. She claims that after 7 days of magnesium, many symptoms go away naturally. Good Luck.
C. G.
i just had to say that my husband, the whole ten yrs we've been together has always had to fall asleep on his stomach rocking his legs side to side. if he's on his back, he will rock his feet side to side or keep rubbing his feet together until he falls asleep. he's done it as long as he can remember. it usually will kindof rock me to sleep, but i'd like to see what the other ladies have to say.
I recommend Calcuim suppliments. I buy a chewable "Yummi Bears" that I get at Abby's Health Food Store on Dale Mabry in Tampa, but I have seen them at GNC and Vitamin Discount Stores which are everywhere. My son Loves them! Give them to him about 1 hour before bedtime and then again in the AM (1 "bear" each time). You might want to check out a multi-vitamin as well. But calcium should work wonders - it did the trick for me. Also, make sure he doesnt get any caffiene (not that he is - but it causes the same effects)