class definition

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People Are Saying Bad Things Because I Home School My Kids, How Can I Cope?

You might offer to teach a once or twice a week art class at your home and ...... My definition of success in raising my daughters was to have young women ...

My 5 Year Old Heard the Word Sex from a Class Mate

B.F. asks from Dallas

Ok moms, it is happening. One of my nightmares is my little boy and his inoccent mind being destroyed. He is in kindergarten. There is a little girl in his class a...


Seeking Answer to Survey Question

M.C. asks from Sarasota

So often, women state that they do not know the definition of fun. Over time they have become so out of balance with family, work, and other obligations that it is no...


How Do You.........

M.S. asks from Detroit

How do you respond to someone (you thought you could have a friendship with) when they tell you that "you're not a mom" in a public place? I've recently been told th...


Kindergarten Love

R.C. asks from Sioux City

My 6yo daughter frequently tells me something about one of the boys at school and then says "I love him." It is rarely the same boy twice, and I doubt there is anyth...


What Is Appropriate for 7Th Grade?

M.C. asks from Des Moines

Here is a little background information. My daughter is in 7th grade. She told me yesterday that they have to give a speech to the class on Wednesday. She wanted h...


The Word "Sexy"

F.P. asks from St. Louis

My almost 8 year old son came home from school one day and asked me if I knew what the word sexy means. I told him it means pretty. He says no it doesn't and proceed...


Scary Movie

S.D. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms- my daughter has a class assignment to choose a scary movie that can be shown to the class but has to be pg 13. are there any out there that are appropriate f...


How Can I Help My 7 Yo Focus on Schoolwork?

A.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi! My son is a smart and clever boy but he just can't focus on schoolwork. His teacher has said that his class assignments are late and he gets distracted easily. ...


Needing Advice 5 Yr Old Will Not Go to School

C.T. asks from Louisville

My son is 5 yrs old very shy doesnt like to talk to anyone. All he has known is my husband, siblings that are way older and myself..He makes up excuses that he is sic...

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