book 2

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Results 161-170 from 55,640 articles

Do You Have a Recommendation for a Good Book on Discipline?

H.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter is almost 14 months and she's beginning to test us. She has started throwing food from her high chair tray, biting, getting into the trash can, and climb...


Bake off and Cook Book - JFF

T.K. asks from Dallas

What would you submit for a bake off? What about a cookbook? What prized recipies would you be proud to share? My church is having a bake off this weekend. ...


Recommendations for a Good Parenting/discipline Book

J.M. asks from Phoenix

My two boys have gone through a lot of changes over the last two years between a divorce, a move across country and then back to AZ, me going back to work, me going b...


Controlling the Toy & Book Situation

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

I am in the midst of a deep spring cleaning and organizing spree. It's one of those "getting back to basics" type things where I'm tempted to get rid of everything bu...


Keep Sake Book: Child Age 2

H.H. asks from Hartford

my DD will be two soon and I have started a tradation so far w/ her. on the day she was born I had a book in the hospital and I had all our visitors sign it w/ little...


Know of a Good Book to Help Overcome Insecurities?

D.J. asks from Dallas

Do you know of a good book that helps you overcome insecurities? A book that helps with "not caring about what others think about you" and "how to be more secure with...


Need Book Ideas for Raising Boys

J.B. asks from San Diego

I am looking for a book about raising children (boys). The boys are now 8 and 4.


Face Book

M.M. asks from Tallahassee

Is it just me or is anyone else bothered about Face Book? I do not have Face Book. I just can't see why SOME people put all their business out there for everyone to r...


Book Name Mentioned in Relationship Category

K.R. asks from Syracuse

Wondering who authored the book or whatever format it is in. 90 day challenge? Can't find it at the library at all. Is it 1 book or 2? Please need relationship help STAT!


Looking for a Good Book on Toddler Behavior

J. asks from Dallas

I have a 18 month old who is starting to enter the terrible 2's early. Any recomendations on a good discipline book for toddlers.

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Answer Highlights

  • by dan kindlon in 2 answers "RAISING CAIN: PROTECTING THE EMOTIONAL LIFE OF BOYS by Dan Kindlon ..."
  • by michael gurian in 2 answers "... Dan Kindlon THE WONDER OF BOYS by Michael Gurian ..."
  • only people who can see in 2 answers "I don't know if that matters, but the only people who can see anything are family ..."
  • james dobson in 5 answers "I would recommend Bringing up Boys by Dr James Dobson."
  • raising cain in 4 answers "RAISING CAIN: PROTECTING THE EMOTIONAL LIFE OF BOYS by Dan Kindlon ..."