Keep Sake Book: Child Age 2 - Terryville,CT

Updated on November 26, 2010
H.H. asks from Terryville, CT
4 answers

my DD will be two soon and I have started a tradation so far w/ her. on the day she was born I had a book in the hospital and I had all our visitors sign it w/ little messages. I did the same thing at her 1st birthday. I used this great book that on each page it stated a wish for her example: I hope that you will always remember me and know that I love you, I hope you will always be part of a family, I hope you will have the strenght to deal w/ bad things that may come your way, I hope you will always be silly and so on. I picked it bc I not only thought that the illustrations were beautiful but the words had meaning for her, things that I hoped for her. anyways everyone that attended her party signed it and now we have a beautiful book and memories of her first b-day. SO I am wondering if you have a suggestion for a powerful book that I can use for her second bday, the time is almost here and I have not been able to have a final pick! I am looking for something timeless, beautiful and full of love and meaning. thanks so much!

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answers from Detroit on

Three great books are "God Gave us You" or "The Tale of Three Trees" or "You are Special" (max lucado).

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answers from Pittsburgh on

What about making a scrapbook instead of using a store-bought book?
I used to use a 3-ring binder + clear page protectors for all my scrapbooks, but now they have really awesome ones that you can get extenders for so they will hold LOTS of pages and the covers of the scrapbooks come in alllll sorts of different colors/designs/themes...
Since you know what you like (and what you want it to include), you'd be able to personalize it even more so that it is similar to the other ones you've made for her.
Some craft places (like Joann Fabrics) have specialty scrapbook pages with all sorts of themes - and you could still have some of the pages dedicated to visitors/guests writing personal messages for her... and my favorite part; you can add as many (or as few) pictures as you want instead of just sticking to the spaces that the store-bought books provide for you...

Good luck!!

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answers from New York on

twelve gifts of birth
the night you were born

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answers from Boston on

How about Dr. Seuss "Oh the places you'll go"
OR... I have made a "yearbook" for my daughter each year. I make it on Shutterfly (or Snapfish) and it comes in a hardcover, filled with pictures of her thoughout the year, and captions and little notes throughout. Then I write a long letter to her at the end, detailing everything that happened during the past year. I never thought that I could have people sign it, but that is a fabulous idea! We do have a great time passing the book around, and she loves looking at the older ones and talking about when she was a baby. Good luck to you!

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