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Results 61-70 from 248 articles

Looking to Join a Welcoming Church...Suggestions?

S.H. asks from Phoenix

I am in search of a welcoming church to attend...any suggestions? As a child I was Methodist but rarely attended, and my husband is Catholic, but again, rarely atten...


Intuition or Just Nerves?

S.M. asks from Cincinnati

I feel so lost and by myself because no one understands what I go through. I have gotten this before and it is back again. VIBES! This feeling of being around this...


If Your Child/teenager Chose to Follow a Different Religion than You

A.V. asks from Colorado Springs

Would you let them practice their faith openly or would you be the type of parent to force them to go to church with you, punish them for trying to practice their fai...


Question on Religious Education for Grade Schooler

S.R. asks from Washington DC

I grew up Catholic and had an extensive religious education, but when I became an adult, I decided that was not the religion for me. I'm not sure what I believe at t...


Teaching Middle School

N.K. asks from Chicago

Hello, Mommas! I teach religious education (volunteer) once a week at my church. Last year I taught third grade. This year, I teach a class of 15 eighth graders at...


Need an Inspiring Devotional for Moms

M.D. asks from Charlotte

Hi, moms. I'm in charge of giving an inspiring devotional to a group of moms of young children in order to kick off the new year. Never having done this, I haven ...


Seeking Moms That Homeschool

D.D. asks from Jackson

I'm going to begin homeschooling my 4yr. old this fall and could use some advise: First thing is, how do you seperate your everyday life from homeschooling for the c...


Homeschool and Work??? Can I Do It?

A.K. asks from Orlando

I'd love to homeschool my 7 and 4 year old girls. I work part-time and would like to hear from others who have been successful. On the flip side, I am also curious ...


Going to Church

C.E. asks from Reno

I was not raised going to church... ever. I used to go to church every once in a while with my neightbor, and then I went to a youth group with them when I was in hi...


Seeking Thoughts from Christian Moms on the Role of Women in Church Leadership

G.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, On behalf of my husband, I am seeking the thoughts of the Christian women who are regular church attenders in Mamasource world :-) My husband is a deacon ...

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