best school

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Results 141-150 from 65,804 articles

Swats at School

S.A. asks from Tulsa

My son is 6 years old and attends the first grade at a school where they still swat the children as a last measure of punishment. He has Aspergers Syndrome which is a...


After School Bully

S.S. asks from Houston

My nine daughter is have a problem with a after school bully.On the walk home this other little girl and her sidekicks have a need hit and kick her. I have talked to ...


Caring About School

L.H. asks from Toledo

I got a call from one of my daughter's teacher today. She is ok with behavior as usual. She is in danger of failing because of not turning in work. She will still be ...


What Is Your After School Routine

G.G. asks from Austin

What are your after school routines? In our family, we need routine and structure but after school, we just don't have it. I find myself allowing my kids to watch a...


Best School Organizing Stategy for Teens

K.S. asks from Denver

My daughter is a sophomore, and is doing fine in school. My big concern for her is that she hasn't found a system for remembering due dates, etc. that is working for ...


School Lunch

S.P. asks from Joplin

I have 2 high school boys. I just found out that the school lunch price has jumped up to $2.50! It was easy to pack lunches when they were in grade school, but now ...


Walking to School and Back from School.

B.B. asks from Omaha

My son is ten years old and I let him walk to school because his friends lives a few blocks away. I'm having a lot of fear about it on this day and age. He walks with...


I Am Pissed at the School

K.D. asks from Washington DC

This is mainly a vent post but I am also seeking advice. My daughter is finishing 4th grade and has been teased by nearly every kid at her school. Kids will point ...


Walking to School and Back from School.

B.B. asks from Omaha

My son is ten years old and I let him walk to school because his friends lives a few blocks away. I'm having a lot of fear about it on this day and age. He walks with...


School Lunches

S.L. asks from Boston

Hi there. I got great ideas for lunches for this summer while the kiddos are home, and now I'm looking to those Kindergarten moms that have sent their first baby to ...

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Answer Highlights

  • graham crackers or teddy grahams in 2 answers "... I'll throw in some nilla wafers or cinnamon graham crackers or teddy grahams."
  • use corporal punishment in 3 answers "... grade teacher and at her school they are not allowed to use corporal punishment ..."
  • soy nut butter in 3 answers "also, would your child eat soy nut butter?"
  • make their own lunches in 3 answers "have your kids make their own lunches and have on hand at all times canned fruit ..."
  • file a police report in 2 answers "... from hitting her every afternoon...if that doesn't work file a police report ..."