PLEASE DON'T LET THIS GO ON!!!! My responce to swats at school was to ignore the teacher, dislike my principal, and avoid my parents. I honestly do not remember why I was swatted at school; I only remember that it happened several times over many years. It does NOT work.
I was not a BAD kid... but I certainly had difficulty in school. It was not a dislike for learning or lack of intelligence or disreguard for others... it was a inability to deal with the classroom setting/structure and a difficulty understanding others & controlling my reactions.
One of the LAST things our Aspie children need is someone swating them. Physical touch is often painful to Aspie children. The child is already functioning on overload and then you are permiting someone to physicaly inflict pain.
Aspies process input of information differently + are unable to express themselves as easily = this will result in their withdrawing more as they learn they can't be heard or understood. People who do not fully understand Aspie thinking will feel frustrated with the child easier and the escalation to "last resort" status will happen faster.
The result of corporal punishment on Aspie/Autistic Children can result in situations like a young boy (age 11) that I can no longer allow my Aspie daughter (age 9) around. He has become very ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and now hurts others when things get frustrating to him. He does not respect or respond to those who have used corporal punishment or threats on him because of Litural Thinking + a Limited Ability to make Cognative Connections + a Limited Connection to 'confusing' People.
Aspie thinking does not always result in "I did this behavior and the result was a spanking; changing the behavior will prevent further punishment" even if you tell them this and they say they understand. Instead this can be interpreted "That person is mean to me, they will not hear me, I do not have to do anything for them" or "I don't understand why they dislike me and hurt me = I will avoid them because they do not make sence".
Aspie children do not respond to punishment like other kids will. They do better with posative encouragement for smaller requests, longer processing time (particularly for expressing themselves), and the freedom to seperate themselves when things get overwhelming.
Remember also they may require several extra successfull prepetitions w/ posative reinforcement of a new behavior before it sinks in. If a behavior is already learned (and for my child the first exposure sets a standard) it will take longer than for other children to change.