Baby and I started out great with breastfeeding. She latched on just fine and was a good eater. I started to pump when she was about 4 weeks old so that my husband co...
I have been breast feeding my doughter for 3 months now. I plan on continuung breastfeeding as long as she wants to up to a year old. however I decieded that we shoul...
I am a Mom of five weeks old baby girl. My daughter latched on perfectly from day 1. She is stil on demand with big appetite. I am planning on breastfeeding as longes...
My 6 month old son has been taking a bottle for me on weekends and at the babysitter once a week for the past 2-3 months. He now has been refusing the bottle from eve...
I need some suggestions on how to get my milk back. I couldn't breastfeed my son for 2 weeks because I was at a work training event and was unable to get a hand pump ...
Do you/did you breastfeed or bottle feed?
Why did you choose to breast or bottle feed?
When did you make your decision on how you were going to feed your...
I am breast feeding my baby who is a week old. Each feed is taking 45 min to an hour. The doctors are happy, because he is putting on good weight. I met a women the o...
i am expecting a little girl in 5 weeks, and im all new at this, anybody have any information that they can give me, that i should know before she comes?
My daughter will be 1 on Jan 4. I can't believe that she's almost one. I've been pumping for her since she was 3 weeks old because she never really learned to latch g...