Banana Republic

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Results 1-10 from 122 articles

Going to Punta Cana,Domenican Republic with a 10 Month Old

L.G. asks from Chicago

My husband and I will be going to Punta Cana this June and bringing our 8 month old who will be 10 months by then. I am in search of the best baby sun block. Any su...


Garage Sales

A.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello! I am planning on having a garage sale this month, but I have never had one before. I'm worried about over/under pricing things, so I was wondering what approp...


Mid-30s Moms: Where Do You Shop for Clothes?

K.G. asks from Portland

I need help getting my wardrobe updated, and I'm at a total loss. For the last 10+ years I've either worked in an office that required a business suit or in a job th...


What Brand of Jeans Make You Look and Feel Beautiful?

J.G. asks from San Antonio

So I posted a question earlier today about my muffin top. After reading responses, I think it may be time for a new wardrobe (plus some exercise). I don't know where ...


Classic Trench and White Shirt

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am in search of a classic trench coat and a crisp classic fitted white dress shirt. Best places for stuff like that with the best price? Banana Republic? A trenc...


Best Place to Buy Jeans/pants

R.M. asks from San Francisco

I desperately need new clothes, especially pants. When I went shopping recently, all of the pants were "skinny" pants, with the slim calves that only look good on an...


Get Rid of Clothes Within 2 Years of Buying Them?

D.P. asks from Minneapolis

So I decided to try to consign some of my clothes. They are higher end labels and still in style but too big for me so I thought I could get something for them. App...


Credit Card Experts

K.M. asks from Kansas City

Hi! I have a GAP Visa. It is the only credit card I use and I pay it off monthly. I like the "GAP Bucks" I earn by using the card. I usually get a $10 gift card o...


Consignment Store or Needing to Get Rid of a Bunch of Clothing/bedding

M.W. asks from Dallas

I have been meaning to clean out my closets for about 3 years now. Well I am expecting my 2nd child and have to make room. I have about 4 HUGE bins full of clothing...


My Fiance Thinks I'm on Vacation

N.W. asks from Philadelphia

My son was a surprise. We had been engaged for one month when we found out. But we were ecstatic and even now I am thrilled with the way things have happened. I wo...

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