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Confidentiality Question, Regarding Divorced Parents

N.B. asks from Oklahoma City

Let's say mom enrolled daughter in dance. Dad never signed anything. Has paid for an occasional costume or recital fee over the 8 years the child has been there b...


Did You Know About These 2013 Tax Changes?

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I got an email the other day from our CPA's office, letting us know about many changes for next year's taxes. (Hint - this goes way beyond those making $250k/yr pa...


19-Year-old Wants Transfer to Girlfriend's College

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My 19-year-old son is an honors student at a top public university in the eastern part of the U.S. His girlfriend from high school goes to a private college in the M...


What Major Changes Did You Make to Be Debt Free?

M.D. asks from Corpus Christi

I have read Dave Ramsey and we "tried" it for a month or so. Then we quickly went astray without even realizing it. I really want these credit card bills gone!!!! ...


Mother/adult Daughter

A.M. asks from Washington DC

My adult daughter is in her early 30's. She didn't leave home until she was 28. She is living many states away. She's living with a guy out of necessity. She had ...


Should We Still Pay for 20 Year Olds College If He Moves in with Girlfriend?

K.K. asks from Nashville

My husband and I have saved and sacrificed to finance both our two sons college educations.We have been honest with them that need to earn the education by being resp...


Guidance About a Friend- Sorry It's Long!

N.G. asks from Dallas

Moms, you guys always offer lots of perspectives that helps me reach personal decisions, and I thank each one of you for that! Here is a doozy that keeps bothering m...


Mom Seeking Info. Regarding Loans or Payday Loans

B.H. asks from Detroit

Hello, I got this info in the mail the other day that said I was pre-qualified to receive up to $700.00 in credit/loan. I went online to check out the website and d...


Financial Aid Applications

J.S. asks from Chicago

How can we get more parents to complete the financial aid applications so that high school seniors can go to college? I am disheartened at the fact that there are so...


"We Can't Afford It" - How Do I Answer These Questions? (Dave Ramsey....)

K.R. asks from Springfield

Husband and I are following Dave Ramsey's plan and are trying to become debt free. We have an extreme amount of school loan debt, as he and I both have professional ...

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Answer Highlights

  • bank transaction tax in 2 answers "... Move and pay 3%; buy another home and pay 3%. And the bank transaction tax."
  • credit card debt in 5 answers "... when he lost his job, we wouldn't be paying $1500 of money to credit card debt ..."
  • highest interest rate in 3 answers "... it does make the most sense to pay off whatever has the highest interest rate ..."
  • making his own decisions in 2 answers "... up being a mistake, he is a legal adult and should be making his own decisions."
  • fill out the forms in 5 answers "... a meeting at the counselor's office with the parents to fill out the forms."