My two month old was just diagnosed with reflux a few days ago. She has been put on Axid (similar to Zantac). The doctor said it would take two weeks to kick in and...
My baby suffers from sleep deprivation due to my neighbor's sudden loud stereo/video games/dirt bikes. We've seen his pediatrician many times and she tells me he is s...
I am beginning to feel pretty desperate and so an seeking advice here. My 10-month-old just doesn't sleep well. He was a horrible sleeper as an infant. The...
My 6 week old baby girl does not like to put down....ever!! I have tried the swing, the bouncy seat....nothing works. She will be sound asleep on my chest but the mi...
This is something I am really trying to figure out..
Our baby is 3 months old and she hates being in the car-seat, in the car, in the stroller or in the baby sling...
Hello! I live in a rambler and the master bedroom is downstairs, while the baby's room is upstairs. He sleeps in his crib for naps, but in a bassinet in our room at n...
I left to go out last night for a couple of hours. My son is about 3 1/2 months old and he screamed almost the entire time I was gone. My husband actually called me...
When my baby was 6weeks old he started sleeping thru the night in our room in his 3mo. we put him in his crib in his room and he slept ok waking once ...
My 1 month old baby was diagnosed with gerd. he was on prevacid only for a couple weeks but ended up in the hospital. So the NICU dr put him on Reglan and prevacid.
Even though my youngest is only two I want another one all ready! My husband says "no it's not the right timing" but how can you time something like that. I feel that...