articles on child behavior

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I Can't Stand My Child!

M.T. asks from New York

My child is driving me crazy! Technically she hasn't hit the terrible twos yet but she may as well have. She gets into everything and she doesn't listen when I tell...


3 Year Old Behavior at Preschool

E.B. asks from Denver

My son is 3 years old and started preschool for the first time a little over a month and a half ago. He has a new brother of about 10 months (an adjustment) and no pr...


The Perfect Child

M.T. asks from New York

I have been going through a rough time since my three year old started pre-school. I knew she had listening issues when she was in her drop off art class and I was t...


Over Active Child

T.D. asks from Anchorage

I have a son who is 8 years old, he is in constant trouble at school and doesn't like to stay focused for long. He is a pretty hyper child just by nature, and I do no...


6 Year Old Kindergardner's Behavior Getting Worse

M.D. asks from Saginaw

My son is 6 and is more than half way through kindergarten. His behavior at first was a little disruptive, but has become terrible. He hits kids, he tells his teach...


2.5 Year Old Aggressive Behavior. How to Discipline?? Thank You.

T.L. asks from New York

Under normal circimstances, my son is a sweet kid and friendly with people. But we noticed quite a few aggressive behavior in daycare. He pushed other kids, sometime...


Refresh My Mind Please I Can Recall Typical Behavior

S.T. asks from San Francisco

I have forgotten what typical behavior is like for a 16 month old. My grandson is having severe separation anxiety when his dad (my son) leaves the room. My son thi...


Behavior Problems in an Adopted child....really Need Advice on This One.

T.G. asks from Bellingham

Hi ladies, this request is for a friend of mine who really needs some how to's and a little encouragment. She doesnt have much internet time so I am helping her out. ...


Toddler Behavior Concern

E.O. asks from Minneapolis

My son is 2 1/2. For the longest time he has always acted up when I come to pick him up from childcare after work. I don't know if its that he just doesn't want to l...


Help with Discipline and Behavior

C.L. asks from Reno

I have a six year old little girl who has become very disrespectful to all, talking back, sassy, and just don't right mean to those around her. My husband and I are o...

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