akron child

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Results 21-30 from 148 articles

Is This Normal?

A.W. asks from Canton

My daughter is 2 years old. My questions is, is this normal for her to be talking in her sleep? She blurts out some of the most funniest things. Last night she was...


Looking for a Small Pediatrician Office

K.R. asks from Pittsburgh

I am looking for a small pediatrician office in the South Hills. I just moved back to Pittsburgh after being in Akron for 3-1/2 years, where I had my daughter and end...


1 Resident Trying to Evict the Other.

M.R. asks from Cleveland

My kids father and I have been together for 16 years and have lived in this home for 11 years. The house was originally handed down to him But he lost it due to a loa...


Potty Training and Daycare

B.R. asks from Detroit

I have written many posts on this board about daycare. I'm still looking for childcare so I have another request or vent. My DS will be 2 1/2 years old by the time ...


Cuyahoga Falls Full Time Working Mom Looking for a Club

S.S. asks from Cleveland

I am looking to find a Mom group for social gatherings with our children. I have a 6 year old daughter (only child) and am interesting in meeting other Moms with chil...


Looking for Advice!

S.P. asks from Cleveland

I found out the I was 20 weeks pregnant with my third child. I am very happy about the good news. It just that everyone around me including the father of my two kid...


Playground Etiquette

L.M. asks from Dayton

My son and I enjoy going to parks regularly on nice days. Normally we have a good time, but some days, like today, poor playground manners of other kids (and moms) ru...


Finding a Doctor...

D.B. asks from Cleveland

I would like some suggestions on finding a doctor for my 5 month old. Now we are taking her to the family practitioner that I went to as a child.


Hello! I'd Love to Hear from Other Moms Who Had Babies When They Were 35+.

K. asks from Dayton

Howdy Ladies, Just wanted to hear from women who had/are having children while they're in the mid-later 30s to 40s. I'm 38 and my husband is 41. We have two wond...



S.C. asks from Fort Wayne

Has anyone ever had a child (3 yrs or older) who OFTEN runs high fevers of "unknown origin". Meaning they can't find a reason. These fevers are most often 105 or mo...

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