
Updated on March 01, 2008
S.C. asks from Fort Wayne, IN
15 answers

Has anyone ever had a child (3 yrs or older) who OFTEN runs high fevers of "unknown origin". Meaning they can't find a reason. These fevers are most often 105 or more. The doctors have run so many tests and everything seems to come back neg.

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answers from Elkhart on

YES!! We went through a year and a half w/ my son and these high, unknown origin fevers. He was hospitalized repeatedly and went through more tests than I could possibly list. It came down to a slew of allergies, both food and environmental. Have you had intensive allergy testing done?


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answers from Dayton on

Hello. My son went through this for years. Always the temperature would rise quickly over 105 degrees, we would run him to the ER they would poke, prode and do everything imaginable, but nothing was ever found. Then for years he was fine. At 8 he got sick and his body turned on his kidneys and we spent sevaral days in the hospital wondering what was going to happen. He got well as quickly as he got sick and did not get sick (barely even a cold) until this year (age 14). This year the mysterious crud returned and has played havoc on his body. This might sound weird, but I got tired of the doctors, and started looking into natural remedies. When you think of all the medicines and chemicals we are exposed to these days what I found made sense to me. I am not saying this will work for you, but once I put my son on antifungal home remedies and began to get better. I think a basic and good article to start with is http://www.bioactivenutrients.com/FungusFree.html Doug Kauffman is mentioned in this article and he has his own site at knowthecause.com. I don't know you or your take on natural remedies, but it wouldn't hurt to check them out. I continued at first with prescriptions, etc. and I found a wonderful resource at Health Foods Unlimited in Miamisburg OH. Anyway, I hope this gives you another avenue to think about. Good luck.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Terre Haute on

I am a teacher aide and have worked with preschool children for 17 years. Has the Dr. checked for allergies? Fever is a sign of infection or alllergy so if it is at random times I would suggest your child possibly has one. A high fever is a symptom.



answers from Elkhart on

Has your daughter been vaccinated? I would research adverse effects online...Also recommend getting liquid echinacea goldenseal from the healthfood store to boost her immune system & keep her AWAY from antibiotics.



answers from Toledo on

ask your primary care physicain for a complete blood count, ask for blood test to look at your child's white/red blood cells.

This is a primary sign of Leukemia
(not to scare you, some kids are just sicker than others, but it wouldnt hurt to look into it and rule it out)



answers from Canton on

hello my daughter has that problem as well the doctors used to call her the mystery girl. though my daughter is handicap and has other problems as well her temp problem is because she has problems regulating her body temp. in other words if she is to get over stimulated or active she will run a fever or if we go somewhere that is hot she will run a fever as well. her temp would continue to climb and tylenol or motrin never worked for her this is because unlike us who sweat and cool are body down her body even though she sweats does not cool down her temp continues to climb which is very dangerous. because it can put your child into seizures. it is not a very comin disorder but it is out there so bring up to your doctor about body temp regulating problems. you may find that like my daughter summer is a nono and so is humidity. as well as the extreme cold you will constinatly have to be aware of where you are going and how warm it will be i have had to leave doctor offices because they kept their waiting room to warm. faith isnt able to really be outside in summer unless she has a cooling vest on stacool.com is where you would go to order one. i truely hope this is not what your child has but make sure you bring it up to your doctor the sooner you become aware of it the better. hope this helps if you want to talk my email is ____@____.com

C. wardell



answers from Dayton on

Hello S.,

Wow, no I have never had or seen it happen, and I've been a mommy for 22 years. I really feel for you, this must be very frustrating! The only time one of my children had a fever that high, it was 105.4 for three days straight, then she broke out in a lacy looking rash. It was diagnosed as Roseola, the next best thing to Scarlet Fever.
Have you tried looking on the internet using your child's symptoms? It might give you a clue, and then you can help the doctor. There are things out there that won't show up on tests, and sometimes doctors need a lil help diagnosing.

I wish you all the best!



answers from Cleveland on

S. my oldest one had some trouble with that as a child. She would even go into convulsions because of the fevers. As you said they are of unknown origin. My poor baby girl went through numerous spinal taps and blood work for several years. The good news is my daughter grew out of them a couple years later. As a pediatric specialist explained to me some children have trouble regulating their temps and there is no reason seemingly. Your son could grow out of the fevers as my daughter did. If the fevers continue I would seek the advise of a specialist. From what I understand it happens to children and then again it can happen in the elder years. A lil extra info my daughter has a son now and he is always hot. She takes temp is always around 102 to 103. He hates wearing clothes. Being grandma my normal temp runs at 95.4 up to 96.2. In my case this is a gene that causes this.
I really dont know if it helped but I hope it did. Good luck!



answers from Dayton on

Does she also vomit during this time or has she ever done that while running the fever. My oldest daughter who is 9 now, ran a fever consistently for the first 4 years of her life. It was cyclical, every 4 weeks on the dot and always high. She would also sleep very deeply the entire time. As she got older she started vomiting cyclically. She was hospitalized for the fever when she was 9 mos old. Test didn't show anything. She also had an endoscopy which didn't show anything and I do not recommend unless there are other symptoms. Most of the time the fever happened Friday and by Monday she was back to normal. At around 5 she outgrew it entirely. What we found out is she suffered from CVS. Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, which may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. The fever doesn't always accompany this, but in her case it did. It isn't anything theres a test for, but a wonderful pediatrician pointed me enough in the right direction we were able to self diagnose it. As long as there are no other symptoms with the fever, I would just watch her closely.



answers from South Bend on

Hi S....i just wanted to respond to tell you that Kawasaki disease is a form of Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. Both diseases are characteristic of high fever, joint pain and inflammation (like arthritis), breaking out in hives, etc. Look it up on WebMd if you are curious. I just did'nt want you to read that post and freak out! It's probably unlikey your child has either of these! Other than that, i don't have much more advice for you, except this: I have 4 children, the youngest being 7 mo. old...TRUST YOUR GUT! Women have great intuition, and if you have to push for a diagnosis, PUSH! If you need a 2nd opinion, go elsewhere-a different Dr. Persistent high fevers are NOT the norm. Something IS going on with your child. Fevers are he body's sign that it is fighting something, some infection of sorts. Please let us know what you eventually find out. I hope you get some answers and peace of mind!



answers from Columbus on

Hi S.,
I was just talking to a friend that has a little boy that was just diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. I dont know much about it, other then what she told me. However, I know it involves high fevers. I dont know if your child has any other symptoms, but you can look it up and see if it seems to be similar to what your little one is going through. She did say that it is more common in Japanese or Korean children, however it can happen to any ethnic group. She is not asian.
Good luck. I hope you find out what is going on with your little one.



answers from Toledo on

Hi S.,

my daughter had different health problems then this but i could not get the answers i needed from her dr's. I took her to akron childrens hospital to see a neurologists, heart dr. And to a hematologists. I pushed them to find out what was wrong. Cleveland is two and a half hours away from me. She was 2 1/2 when she had a tia . We had too go through many tests and genetic testing. She has a blood disorder that is rare.she has a heart problem too.. No dr found this where i live everything came back negetive.
She is now 7 and healthy. They were able to helps us. Here in toledo we took her to the dr. For 9 mos with no idea what was wrong. I know this is scary but if there is an answer you need to find it. Go to the specialists who can help you. Leave no stone un turned and dont let any dr. Ever make you feel as if you are overreacting. It is better to know .

We know how to help our daughter now and in the feature.
If she becomes sick we know how to guide her peds and er doctors..
If you dont like a dr. Get a new one dont waite..
This could be nothing but it seems to me something has to be causing your daughter to get a fever.
Good luck please e-mail me if you feel i can ____@____.com
best wishes to you both.



answers from Columbus on

Hello! I had the exact problem at close to the same age. When my daughter was 2 1/2 she began running fevers, loose stool, respiratory infections. After much frustration, I finally found a research doctor who told me to keep a log. Get a notebook, write day and time and degree of fever and any other symptoms. Keep this notebook for 6 weeks and see if you can detect any patterns. Take this notebook to your pediatrician and let them examine it. Some times this really helps in diagnosis. We found my daughter to have an immune disorder that they were able to treat and cure! Best of luck to you, I know it is very frustrating to feel no one believes you or that no one can help! Have faith!



answers from Indianapolis on

I had the same issues with my oldest son and my youngest son and no one ever found out what the problem was. My youngest is eleven now and has had problems since the beginning of his school years struggled with concentration or focus. He is very intelligent just can't seem to get things as well as, or as soon as the other children, yet once he does get it its permanent. Anyway, take your child to a neurologist as soon as possible! I didn't know that the fevers were causitive to the problems my son is having now and they were. Everyone back then told me that children are rezealiant and can come out of anything and I am telling you that while that is true it is how they come out of it that is key. I also know and trust that if the docs told you that they don't know the cause, that they allready checked his WBC (White blood cell count.) Don't let the word cancer scare you and keep you from looking at other things. The one thing you should never do is stop looking, check it out with all different kinds of Dr.'s Neurologists, Endocrinologists, oncologists etc.... Start at neuro first though, and DO NOT let your pediatrician stop you from checking it out. We did and we regret it. They are so set on what they know and not the unknown that alot of them won't look past thier medical degree, I know that it sounds critical of me, but I have been there and seen it twice. Looking back all these years later I realize that I made a big mistake in believing just because a title was in front of the name.



answers from Terre Haute on

Hi S.,

Yes my oldest always had high fevers when she was between the ages of 1-5 years old. They would do tests on her too and finally at around 2 the doctors decided that this is how she faught her viruses. She never had a bacterial infection like strep or ear infections she always had viral infections which is unusual with such high fevers. One time when she was going on her 5th day with 102+ fever they told me to stop giving her the analgesic unless her fever went over 102. I kept her hydrated which was always a challenge and the most important thing and she eventually got over it around the eighth day. My daughters fevers never got as high as 105. Her highest was 103.8 and we would do 1 1/2 dose of motrin under the doctors orders and never a bath as that would cause her to shiver and raise her temp even higher. Fevers are scary and I hope you have a doctor you like and trust. Our pediatrician was the best!!! We have moved and I still call him for advise. Good Luck. God Bless our babies.

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