ab exercises

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Results 81-90 from 299 articles

Any Moms Who Meditate And/or Do Yoga?

C.B. asks from Los Angeles

I am way too stressed out all the time and need to learn how to calm down and stop being so cranky and overwhelmed every day. I know that yoga and meditating every d...


Herbal Wrap?

S.M. asks from Columbus

My son just turned 2, and I still haven't lost my belly bulge! I'm exercising every day, but I just can't get my stomach to tighten up. Right now I do yoga & bellyd...


Need to Know Is There an Exercise That Can............

Z.C. asks from Tampa

Im losing weight at a great pace I consult with my dr. with everything I do. I would like to know is there an exercise where I can lose my belly or make it flat and m...


Mommy Tummy

S.X. asks from Chicago

ok. i remember some posting asking how to get rid of mommy tummy and i didn't really 'get it'. after 2 kids now i do. i'm in great health but have that little jiggl...


13.5 Weeks Pregnant, Is It Ok to Work My Abs as Long as I Don't Lay on My Back?

Y.P. asks from Phoenix

I am reading conflicting information about working your abs during pregnancy. Some sources say don't work them at all, and some say it's ok as long as you dont lay on...


Good Abs Dvd/vhs

T.H. asks from Seattle

Hi - I used to have some great abs tapes but they have disappeared! Can you all recomnmend some good ones to me? I love doing abs and need to get back into shape so b...


Tummy Slimming Products

M.C. asks from Providence

Hello moms! I had a beautiful daughter on 3/11/07 and I haven't been the same since. Its so amazing being a mom, life has changed in so many ways. I know life isn't a...


Reducing the Belly Pouch

S.T. asks from Cleveland

Has anyone been told that you have diastasis - separation of the abdominal muscles from pregnancy? If so, what did you do? Were you able to exercise it away or did ...


Looking for Excercise Program

J.A. asks from Indianapolis

My last baby is 9 months old. I plan to nurse for another month or so. My tubes have been tied (if that affects weight gain or shape.. I'm not sure..) so I have 2 sma...


Excercise Equipment

J.F. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies, I was just wandering if anyone has purchased the Red Fitness Excerciser XL and if you liked or didn't like it and if it works? It is the one you can sit ...

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Answer Highlights

  • ab workouts in 3 answers "... what ever way you worked out before you got pregnant..so if you did ab workouts ..."
  • winsor pilates in 2 answers "Winsor Pilates (by Mari Winsor) has been my lifesaver."
  • turbo jam in 2 answers "The Turbo Jam ab workout is great."
  • ab workout in 3 answers "The Turbo Jam ab workout is great."
  • attention to your breath in 2 answers "... of your thoughts, staying in the moment, bringing your attention to your breath ..."