a cheating husband

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Results 31-40 from 1,950 articles

Cheating or Not?

C.C. asks from Dallas

Ok ladies I need some advice. Here is a little back ground. I have been with my husband for 15 years married for almost 11. We have a 6 year old girl and another boy ...


Is Pornography Considered Cheating?

A.S. asks from Pocatello

I found out my husband has a problem with pornography...how many of you feel its a form of cheating...im am devastated


What to Do When You Know a Spouse Is Cheating?

J.B. asks from Washington DC

What to do when you know a spouse is cheating? OK Mama's here's a toughy! I have evidence that my friend's husband is cheating, he has posted it all over Faceboo...


In Need of Opinions. Cheating So's

A.A. asks from Denver

This is a conversation I've been having with a few of my friends. We have a mutual friend who is getting a divorce because his wife cheated on him which is what broug...


What Is Your Definition of Cheating in a Relationship?

T.. asks from Dallas

My live-in boyfriend and I have different definitions of cheating. Before I say what each of us think the definition is- here are the things we are dealing with. Fi...


ANOTHER Cheating Friend?why????

C.S. asks from Chicago

Another friend of mine IS CHEATING ON HER HUSABND!!! This is the second "friend" that I have found out is being unfaithful. I am not really asking a ???, I am just sh...


Cheating Family Member--How Do You Handle This?

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

My husband's aunt and uncle are going through a divorce. His aunt (by marriage) and I are very close. She helped me plan my wedding, the two of them took us on a lavi...


Cheating Neighbor. Do I Tell My Friend?

A.P. asks from Houston

My neighbor is also my friend. Her husband was caught cheating last year. He got in A LOT of trouble (the girl was 17). He even lost his job. Since then he stays ...


Found Out Hubby's Cheating

A.D. asks from Los Angeles

Recently, I sadly found emails and texts proving that my hubby is cheating. It's a younger woman around 30 and he's 48. We have three children together and we've been...


My Husband's Email Address I Didn't Know of..chatting W/gals Is This Cheating?

P.T. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas! Just found out my husband has an email address that I didn't know about. As I'm sure some of you would've done, I logged in and found out he was chatting ...

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