a better job

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Results 71-80 from 44,798 articles

Job Ideas. Please Help!!

A.P. asks from Portland

I'm looking to start working again, my son is 16 months old and I'm looking to find a job I can where I can bring him to work with me. Any ideas?? Thank you!!


Looking for a New Job!

J.E. asks from Dallas

I am currently an out of work accounting clerk and administrative secretary looking for full time employment. This is the second time I have lost my job for staying ...


Going to Be Laid off from My Job

J.R. asks from Knoxville

Well, I have been at my job for almost 5 years and have been told by my boss that they have until Sept. 20th to find billable work for me or they will have to let me ...


Does Anyone Feel like This About Their Job?

W.W. asks from San Francisco

I've been working for a property management company for over 8 years and I think it's time for me to find other opportunities. It's very stressful there. Lately, wh...


Is It Harder to Find a Job After 40?

M.T. asks from Minneapolis

I'm in my early 40s. The last time I looked for a job was 3 years ago, just at the beginning of the recession, and when I was still in my 30s. I was not too excited...


Pregnant with New Job! Help!

N.K. asks from Oklahoma City

In one week, (in order) my family got a dog, I was offered a new job, and I found out I am pregnant! Whew! I start my job today and I dont know when and how to tell ...


Mom Seeking Job

S.B. asks from Colorado Springs

I have not been to work in eight years I have four children and I have so desperatly have been in search of a job I have applied for 22 jobs online the newspaper and ...


Getting Another Job

J.R. asks from Sheboygan

hi moms. i decided to get another job just for helping more out with bills. my son is going to be going thru lots of changes in the next two weeks. he is starting ear...


Settlng into a New Job

S.Z. asks from Dallas

How long should it take to get comfortable in a new job? I worked at my last job for almost 15 years (I'm 36) so I've not had a lot of experience changing jobs (I don...


Seeking a Job to Work from Home

A.S. asks from Dallas

I have been looking everywhere to find real 'work from home' offers but I need help. I go to school full time and have my son. I really need a job but don't want to g...

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Answer Highlights

  • been laid off a couple in 2 answers "Unemployment is not guaranteed. I have been laid off a couple of times and never received ..."
  • premier designs in 2 answers "I am an independant distributor with Premier Designs Jewelry."
  • tell your boss in 2 answers "... of your plans for when the baby is born, I would definitely tell your boss."
  • depending on your job in 2 answers "... what you would like to accomplish than a first-time mom. Depending on your job ..."
  • take your vacation in 2 answers "... condition of accepting the position, is to be able to still take your vacation."