a better job

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Results 51-60 from 44,798 articles

So When Does the Crying Get Better?

K.B. asks from St. Louis

I'm 4.5 weeks post partum and like another recent post am VERY stressed out. Unless he is sleeping or eating, my son is ALWAYS crying. I feed him, he cries, I rock ...


Job Interview(s) and Offer

T.R. asks from Orlando

I was interviewing for 2 jobs and got offered from one of them, so I took it. Also letting go of the part time job I had. Well, the 2nd job calls back yesterday (afte...


JOB- Patient Transport in Hospital

L.D. asks from Phoenix

Anyone ever done this as a job ? What was it like ? Do you get insurance


Looking for a Stay at Home Job

E.O. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for a job that allows me to stay at home with my girls. I have looked before and all i have found were scams. I need a job where i can make my own hours ...


Husband Made up a Temp Job to Help a Friend Out Though I Knew Better

K.B. asks from Tulsa

I will try to make this shorter and clear. My husband who is usually supersmart about money offered to create a job for a friend for one year while she updated her p...


Husband Wants to Quit His Job

S.G. asks from Washington DC

My husband hates his job and comes home stressed everyday. He works 60-80 hours a week and gets no recognition for it. His boss is an a**hole to everyone and piles on...


Son Needs a Job

J.M. asks from Savannah

My son was in the airforce for 8 years and has recently came back home. He and his wife have very good educations. They came back to be closer to our family. He has a...


Pregnant and Lost My Job....

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am pregnant with baby # 2 and just recently lost my job. My husband cannot afford to pay for health insurance for me, his job doesn't even offer it for him so he d...


Part Time Job

L.B. asks from Saginaw

Hello Everyone! I am a single mom of a 7 year old boy. I have a great job but I would like tofind a part time job that I can do from home at night. If you know of a...


What's Your Dream Job? JFF

T.K. asks from Dallas

Hard question. What would be your dream job? What components need to be there? I can't think of a dream job. I would need to get the warm fuzzies (like I'm makin...

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