Tween: Zyrtec

Results 31-40 from 151 articles

5 Year Old Having Complete Meltdowns / Possibly ADHD

M.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone might experience meltdowns... I am not talking like the "he's tired and crabby" meltdown I am talking a fill on fit kicking and screa...


*A Little Long* Add/gifted Son Is Driving Me Crazy!

K.M. asks from Chicago

Our son is 10 almost 11, he does take meds for his ADD and they work pretty well. He has no chores and no responsibility. DH said it causes our son to much stress b...


Would like to Hear About Experiences with 1) Tubes in Ears 2) Tonsils Removed...

A.P. asks from Austin

My daughter has frequent ear infections (both ears approx. every 4 months or so) and strep throat (alternating every 4 months or so). So we're sick and at the dr. ev...


New to Asthma

D.G. asks from Dallas

Oh, moms, I'm so exhausted. My 4 year old has a history of RSV (at 6 wks.), repeated ear infections, tubes, we saw Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction while at the E...


Asthma & Steroids

A.T. asks from Yuba City

Hello, I am seeking advice from other Mom's that have experience with young Children with Asthma. My son who was born with Asthma has been on Allergy medicine and (...


How Did You Teach Your Child to Swallow a Pill?

K.K. asks from Washington DC

What age were your children when you taught them how to swallow a pill and how did you do it? I have a soon to be 12 year old with allergies....I want to take him ...


Allergies or Eye Strain

M.S. asks from Salt Lake City

My 10 year old son has been getting red eyes for quite some time now only in the afternoon or evenings. I have taken him to the eye doctor and they said it is not all...


Advice on Allergies and Asthma

M.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I need some advice. My 11 year old always gets sick during the winter months. I mean, sinuses, wheezing,coughing, you name it. She was never tested for asthm...


Help/info on "Normal" ADD Behavior

S. asks from Phoenix

My 10 year old son was recently 'diagnosed' with ADD. The diagnosis is hard for me since it is not a blood test that shows for certain this is what he has - but the ...


When Do You Worry About a Cough?

N.R. asks from Chicago

My 12 year old has had a cough for ages. At first, a little one that was maybe allergy related. Then a cold and full on cough. She has a history of getting croup, pne...