Tummy Time: Toddler, SwaddleMe

Results 1-10 from 68 articles

1 Month Old Won't Sleep on His Back

D.P. asks from New York

Hi moms! I'm a first time mom of a beautiful baby boy. Everythin is going pretty well except for the fact that he does not want to sleep on his back. I'm well aware ...


What to Do with My 1 Month Old

A.K. asks from Atlanta

I have a 5 week old son who doesn't like to be put down but we can't live like that. I try the play mat and he cries, I try his chair and that lasts 5 min, same as h...


2 Month Old Baby Swaddling....

G.S. asks from Lexington

My son is 2 1/2 months old and loves to be swaddled since he was born. My question is, is there a point where you swaddle too much? He wants to be swaddled when hes t...


Help 4 Month Old Sleep Without Being Swaddled

D.S. asks from San Francisco

Recently we have been trying to get our 4 month old son to sleep without being swaddled at night. It takes him close to an hour to finally fall asleep!!! This involve...


2 Month Old Having Trouble Sleeping

L.A. asks from Houston

My two month old is surprisingly alert and awake a lot more than I expected her to be at this age. During the day she will fall asleep for anywhere from 30 minutes to...


When Is Time to Stop Swaddling?

E.R. asks from Washington DC

My 5.5 month old will only sleep soundly when swaddled. I've tried with one arm and that works sometimes, but at night she really won't go down without the full swadd...


Sleeping Without a Swaddle?

K.L. asks from Savannah

My son loves to be swaddled, but at 4 months old, he is growing too large for his swaddleme and swaddling with a regular blanket is too loose for his liking. We have...


Need Suggestions on Gettting My 3 Month Old to Sleep in His Crib

N.N. asks from College Station

My 3 month old son refuses to sleep lying down on his back. He will only sleep in his swing or in his car seat. When I lay him on his back in his crib he acts like ...


Advice on Breaking Baby of Dependence on Swaddling

A.D. asks from Raleigh

Hello, Helpful Moms. I have a wonderful 3-month old son who overall is a very good sleeper. My challenge is that he sleeps well only when tightly swaddled, but now ...



T.B. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any advice for how to get my 3 month old to sleep in his crib? Ever since our baby has been born, he's been sleeping on my chest for every nap and a...