Trying to Conceive

Results 351-360 from 2,471 articles

Getting Pregnant with PCOD

S.B. asks from Columbus

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease June '06. My Dr prescribed Avandia to breakup the cysts and I was able to get pregnant 2 months later, I now have a be...


To Get Unfixed or Not To?

J.K. asks from York

Hi girls, i'm 25 years old and i have two kids with my wonderful husband. my daughter is 4 and my son is 2. after we found out we were having a boy this time i decide...


Not Another "Could I Be Pregnant" Question

S.F. asks from Utica

I know that anytime that you have unprotected sex that you could end up pregnant but... My husband and I have been TTC for about 6 months now and due to his type of w...


Ok to Breastfeed While Pregnant?

C.P. asks from Harrisburg

I am still breast feeding my 9mo old daughter. I am not currently pregnant, but just wondering for future reference.. I have heard YES and NO on this topic.


Has Anyone Ever Gotten Pregnant

M.S. asks from Houston

while exclusively(sp?) nursing a baby? I realize you can get pregnant while nursing(meet my daughter)but what about before they start food and are still nursing every...


Pregnant AFTER Husband's Vasectomy

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Okay, I'm going to reveal some info about my sex life that I wouldn't normally even tell my friends, ha- But I want to see if it is at all possible for me to be preg...


Trouble Getting Pregnant

T.B. asks from Rochester

I am frustrated and thought I would reach out to other moms for some encouragement, advice, etc. I currently have a 20 month old son who is fantastic and tons of fun...


A Gut Feeling You're Pregnant

A.H. asks from Jacksonville

Hi! Just a quiz for y'all: How many of you had a gut feeling that you were pregnant and were right? AND, how many got this feeling and were wrong? I'm asking beca...


Questions About OB Recommendations for Getting Pregnant

S.K. asks from St. Louis

I am almost 26 years old and my husband and I have decided that it is about time to start a family. I went to my OB last week and talked with her about getting pregna...


No Recent Period but Pregnant?

H.A. asks from Seattle

Is it possible to get pregnant even though my last period was the end of october? I concieved about 2 weeks ago which is odd because I had not had a period in 5 weeks...