Toys: Snugli

Results 51-60 from 104 articles

Pregnant with Number Two and Son Is Only 9 Months Old

V.R. asks from Kansas City

Well I just found out that my husband and I are pregnant again and our son is only 9 months old! We are very excited but I'm pretty nervous about having them so clos...


3Rd Child, Age Difference- the OPPOSITE Problem!

A.F. asks from Seattle

Hello all! So I am currently pregnant with our 3rd child and am concerned about the age difference with my 3. I have searched everywhere, but all I can find are qu...


Traveling with 4-Month Old

M.K. asks from San Francisco

We are flying across the country at the end of this month with our 4-month old daughter and are looking for any advice or tips you may have. Any must-haves for the ca...


The Plane! the Plane!

H.H. asks from Washington DC

I need some advice...bad! My husband and I are traveling to Colorado next week with our 14 1/2 month old son via AIRPLANE. I hate flying alone, so the thought of do...


Need Lots of Advice! New Pregnancy

C.B. asks from Cleveland

We just found out we are pregnant with #3!! A few things I'd like to ask for some advice on are, 1)What types of slings did any of you use that you loved? My 2nd baby...


Baby Won't Entertain Himself or Nap

G.T. asks from Denver

My four-month old cries when I leave his sight, and refuses to nap by himself. He insists on being held or played with all day! I can't get anything done and I'm af...


Air Travel Tips

I.S. asks from Washington DC

Hi there, my son will be 14 months when we will be travelling 11 hours oversees. This will be our first time flying with a baby and frankly I am super scared. I hate ...


Making My Baby Wish List... What Are Your Must-haves?

N.G. asks from Dallas

I'm 17 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first boy, my third child. My youngest daughter is 5 1/2 so it's been a while since I've done the baby thing, and I have absolutely...


Traveling to Greece with an Infant

C.H. asks from Portland

My husband and I are planning our son's first trip to Greece. It's also my husband's first trip. I used to go as a child a lot, since my family is Greek, and it was...


2Nd Boy on the Way

J.S. asks from Dallas

Hey there ladies, I need some advice. I have a 13 month old boy and I am due with our second boy in May. What advice can you give to me about having a second child....