My toddler at the age of 3 had dental work cause she had cavities,but now that she is 4yr and 10 mths has already lost 4 teeth, has anyone else experienced this and i...
My 5 year old son has his first loose tooth, and freaked out because we did not prepare him for this. (I had totally forgotten, oops). Do you have any advise on the t...
My son's first loose tooth is one of center ones on the bottom. It has been loose for about 4 weeks now. This morning I noticed the new tooth is already popping up...
My daughter lost her first baby tooth on Sunday. It was so exciting (and a little sad for me, she's growing up too fast). We talked about the tooth fairy and she put ...
My just turned 2 year old son chipped his front right tooth about 3 weeks ago at the playground. He's seen a pediatric dentist twice since the accident. It seems li...
My 4 1/2 year old told me tonight that his tooth hurt, so I started feeling around and felt that the tooth that was hurting was loose. It is his bottom front right to...
My now 5YO daughter has got a pretty shaky top-front tooth. Geez, I don't think I am ready yet for the 'tooth fairy'! LOL
Seriously, is 5 too young? Which teeth...
my 5 yo has her first lose tooth. we just realized that behind her lose tooth, her big tooth is coming in. it has already popped through her gum. has anyone else expe...
My toddler was standing, playing peekaboo with an adult friend, when she simply fell onto her plastic sippy cup, knocking out one of her front teeth. After the initia...
I help my five year old son with his teeth brushing everyday and on Saturday I noticed something very distrubing that I had not noticed before. Behind his baby teeth...