Sleep Training: Infant, Baby Bjorn

Results 61-70 from 145 articles

Colic Baby

B.W. asks from Mansfield

I have a month old baby boy and am dealing with colic! My other 2 kids did not have this so this is all new to me. Help! I've tried to calm him down by running the ...


Fussy Newborn

R.M. asks from Boston

I am a first time mom to a very fussy beautiful 5 week old little girl. She is a great nurser and loves to suck. She will not take a pacifier. She does not like her s...


Potty Training My Almost 4-Year Old Daughter

L.D. asks from Boston

My soon-to-be 4 year old daughter still refuses to use the potty. We have tried everything from bribing her with M&Ms when she sits on the potty, to pertending to be ...


Help with Baby Not Taking Naps

A.N. asks from Portland

I am seeking any help/advice on how to help my baby to take better naps, or any naps at all really. She is nearly 7 months old now and has never been a very good slee...


Taking Care of Baby and Doggy??

A.N. asks from New York

Hello! We have a wonderful 4-month old baby and a sweet, gentle 6-year-old Beagle. My question to other city-folk who love their babies and their dogs that have had t...


Help with Crib Training

C.C. asks from Columbus

I am a first time single mother and my son is 2 months old. Ever since he was born I have always kept him close to me while he was asleep. Now that he is getting more...


How Do I Let the Baby CIO Without Waking Her Older Brother?

C.M. asks from Washington DC

Our 5 month old daughter, Nora, is a sweet and laid back baby, except that she still wakes 2 to 4 times each night. If I don't get her the moment I hear her, the crie...


At the End of My Rope with Naps and Bedtime. I Am LOSING It!

G.M. asks from Boston

Does anyone know of someone I can hire for sleep training? I can't afford it, but I NEED it. My 17 week old actually sleeps through the night (knock on wood) but refu...


Sleeping..and How Many Hrs..

M.S. asks from Chicago

hi moms my son is 5wks old and i have two other boys at home but for the life of me i cant remember how many times a day they slept or how i got them down for bed t...


Mom's in the Seattle Area

A.G. asks from Seattle

I was wondering when other mom's started potty training and what is the best toilet seat to use to potty train.