First and most important mom-you CAN NOT spoil a 2 month old. You are their comfort and security in this great big new world that they are trying to figure out. So why wouldn't he want to be close to the sound, smell and comfort that mom provides?
At 2 months he is far to young to let him try to "cry it out"-not that that would ever go down in my house. Don't believe in the method and don't believe it teaches a baby how to sleep. He doesn't know how to self-soothe yet. Even the doctor that wrote the book on CIO says you shouldn't try that till they are at least 6 months old. In my house it's never.
You will have to teach him how to sleep. Yep, babies have to be *taught* how to sleep. They don't automatically know how. By starting routines with him at sleep times he will come to learn what to expect and what is expected.
Here are some things for you to read up on that will make sleep much easier for you and baby:
-Google 4th trimester. That is where he still is. This will give you very valuable ways to soothe baby.
-Read Dr. Sears Baby Sleep Book, The Baby Whisperer and The No-Cry Sleep Solution. THese all contain valuable tips, tricks and info about infant sleep. When you better understand infant sleep you can help teach baby. It also talks about different personality types of babies. Very helpful info.
-At his age swaddle him before you get ready to rock/hold him to sleep. This way his is already cozy and secure before you lay him down. And don't let people tell you not to hold them to sleep. I held both mine and I have one champion sleeper and one pretty darn good sleeper.
-When you do get ready to lay him down keep him very close to you. I mean you will practically be laying on top of him as you set him down in the crib *but* this helps prevent that falling feeling.
-You might try a crib wedge. It fits snugly under the crib sheet and props baby up just a bit.
I held both my babies till the were sound asleep-around 10 minutes after they fell asleep and that made it easier to put them down.
Take a look at this info above and I promise it will have info that will make you feel much better and more confident in your parenting.
Best to you and baby!