Sleep Apnea

Results 121-130 from 1,502 articles

4 Mo w/Severe Reflux-Gasping?

R.N. asks from Dallas

Ok, this is my second dc w/reflux, so you'd think I'd know about this. Just yesterday she started doing this weird gasping for air thing after refluxing (ya know how ...



L.H. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 4 1/2. She has for about the past 18 months suffered from throat infections. None of her infections have been strep. Her symptoms include extreme so...


Screaming 3 Yo Son

J.N. asks from Norfolk

My son will be 3 on 6/1. He had always been a child that would disobey. He's a stubborn little one, but also the sweetest boy I know. He knows right from wrong, bu...


Swollen Tonsils and Prednisone

M.B. asks from Atlanta

Hi all. My almost 5 year old tonsils are huge, red and just nasty looking. She has suffered from allergies since birth and always has sneezing fits and stuffy noses...


Baby Turning Blue/ Hospital Questions

L.S. asks from Atlanta

I wrote a post a few days back about my baby being in the hospital for whooping cough. I never knew how serious this illness is and how awful it is for infants... any...


VIOLENT Dreams..

L.M. asks from Kansas City

A couple of nights now I dreamt of (stupid things) a snake in my son's path, or a huge big spider up overhead with a nasty looking cobweb... I would literally throw m...


Child with Hypoventilation on Sleep Study- as Well as Sensory Processing Issues

C.P. asks from Raleigh

Hi. I have a 5yo son who has always been a noisy, restless sleeper and who still needs a nap to make it through the day because he doesn't get good sleep at night. H...


4Th Grade and Not Medicating -- How to Deal with the School?

C.W. asks from Columbus

My 9 yrs was diagnosed at 4 yrs. with obstructive sleep apnea, and ADHD. I was recently divorced and remarried. We chose to change dietary habits (dairy protein int...


Unsure as to Whether 3 1/2 Year Old Should Have Tonsils and Adenoids Removed

H.M. asks from Richmond

My 3 1/2 year old daughter has had sleep issues since she was around 18 months old. She snores, breathes through her mouth a lot during the night, tosses and turns, ...


29 Week Preemie

K.W. asks from Atlanta

My baby was born at 29 weeks and im going crazy he was doing so well was on room air the next day. When he ws born i was 29 weeks gestation but baby was told he was a...