Self Feeding: Toddler, First Years

Results 21-30 from 549 articles

HELP!! Can't Get 8 Week Old to Bottle Feed!!!

M.D. asks from Chicago

Baby girl wont take to a bottle. Tried having hubby give her my breast milk in a Adiri stage 1 bottle and no luck ( I was out of the house). Had mom try as well no ...


Finger Food for 14 Month Old & Sippy Cups

J.P. asks from Lexington

I have a 14 month old daughter who is a picky eater. I feel like I feed her the same things over and over every day. I can't find any vegetables she likes. She lov...


3 Week Old , Spitting up Constantly Even an Hour After feeding...any Advice

L.L. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 week old newborn that I am breastfeeding, we are concerned about him spitting up, sometimes even through his nose, even 1 hour after feeding. We tried to ...


My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

M.S. asks from Portland

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. Bu...


I Need Help Weaning My 17 Month old--I Am a Night Time Pacifier!

S.E. asks from Los Angeles

First of all we do not have a crib. I made the mistake of allowing myself to become a pacifier. The problem: she sleeps in bed with us--that is a long never intended ...


What Can I Do If My 15 Month Old Won't Sit in a High Chair

A.B. asks from Reno

When I put my 15 month old in a high chair, within five minutes he starts screaming and wants to get out. Instead I feed him while he is playing or walking around. ...


Need to Wean 12 Month Old of Late Night Bottle

J.H. asks from Burlington

Hi Moms! So, I am trying to wean my just turned 12 month old daughter from the bottle. It has been surprisingly easy except for the 2-3 a.m. bottle. At this point she...


Bottle Feeding in Conjunction with Breastfeeding

H.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have a four wk old baby girl and in two weeks I have to go back to work. I am trying to get her to take a bottle so that the nanny can feed her. I have tried variou...


Baby on Solids: Feeding When Not at Home

L.A. asks from Lincoln

My daughter is 9 months old, and she eats solid food 3 times a day- breakfast around 8:30, lunch around 12:30, and dinner sometime between 6:00 and 7:00. I am still ...


How Much Milk Does a 14 Month Old Need? Please Help- Huge Debate in My Home!

L.W. asks from Boston

We have been trying to get my son to kick the bottle habit. He does not use a pacifier or anything else to soothe himself so we have been letting him have a bottle w...