Self Feeding & Finger Foods: Miracle Blanket

Results 171-180 from 384 articles


M.W. asks from Washington DC

does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with colic



A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I've been swaddling my 15 week old daughter at night and she sleeps BEAUTIFULLY. However, she is getting very big and no longer fits in the SwaddleMe wra...


Bedtime Issues with 4 1/2 Month Old

J.A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I am perplexed by a sleep problem and would love your advice! Our little 20-wk old girl is a night owl and just doesn't want to settle down before 9-10 at n...


Help Us Get Some Sleep, Please!!

A.S. asks from Detroit

Hello, My daughter is 4.5 months old and was doing very very well sleeping through the night until recently. At 4 weeks she started sleeping through the night, som...


3 Month Old Refuses to Nap

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 month old will not nap AT ALL during the day. This changed about 10 days ago. So by the time 4pm comes around she is screaming uncontrollably because she is SO...


Takes My Son "Forever" to Fall Asleep

J.M. asks from Sacramento

My son is 3 1/2 months old and we are noticing that we have to rock, bounce, shush him for anywhere from 20-40 min to try and get him to sleep. We are still swaddlin...


A Binky Problem...

A.S. asks from Harrisburg

My daughter is just over a month old and I cannot get her to sleep at night. She seems to fight it. She gets so grumpy around 8 pm so I try putting her to bed. Fir...


Need Advise on Getting My 3 Month Old to Sleep

W.R. asks from Dallas

Hi. I am a working mother of a 3 month old little blessing from God. However, he seems to set his own schedule and his father and I are completely sleep deprived. ...


Has Anyone Used a Moby Wrap?

C.K. asks from Nashville

Just wanted to see if anyone has used a Moby Wrap and what you thought about it?


Any Tips for Helping Baby with Night Time Gas?

E.K. asks from Seattle

Any tips for helping my little 5 month old with her night-time gas? It hurts her enough that she wakes up crying, and Mylicon drops don't seem to do anything. Any t...