Selective Use: The First Years

Results 1-10 from 48 articles

Potty Training

T.M. asks from Sacramento

Hello... My daughter is 19 months old. I have some questions about potty training, would love some opinions or advice. Ok, first of all, what are the signs I shoul...


Potty Training

M.S. asks from Atlanta

Hi, My son is 2yr and 3 months and he's not fully potty trained. He will get his bag with the wipes and pamper for me or his dad to change him. He will tell us ...


Potty Training

D.M. asks from Chicago

My son just turned 2 a month ago and I was wondering if anyone has any tricks/tips that they used to ease the process. He is not scared of his potty, he just doesn't ...


Which Potty Training Potty to Buy??

M.S. asks from San Francisco

I need to ask the pros who have already potty trained, which potty is best to buy? I was a little overwhelmed with 10 or so toilet options to choose from. Although th...


Potty Training

L.V. asks from Denver

Hello Ladies, I have a 14-month-old, who is showing an interest in potty training. I would like to encouage him, without pushing him. I am looking for recommendatio...


Potty Chair

J. asks from Minneapolis

Back again with another quesetion. We are looking to purchase a potty chair for our little boy. He's still too young to start (20 months), but we want to have the c...


Potty Training

C.T. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter has been potty training my granddaughter for months. It has been hit and miss. She is 2 1/2 and is wearing pull ups. Lately she has decided to give her ti...


Potty to Begin?

N.L. asks from Dallas

My son turned 3 in October. He is in day care from 7:30 am until either 4pm if I pick him up or 5pm if my husband picks him up. The day care does not really seem to ...


What's the Best Potty for My Little Girl?

J.S. asks from Boston

Hello Moms. I posted less than two months ago - my now 17 month old is totally ready to potty train - announces when she has to go poop and pee, wakes up dry from nap...


Potty Training for a Boy

H.R. asks from Phoenix

I was wondering when you potty train a boy is it best to make them sit or stand. My 2 year old (tomorrow) is really confused about what to do. Sometimes he wants to...