This one worked for us. We have 2 boys and 2 girls.
how to toilet train...good question
What we did was select a day, and put it on the calendar...together...I even had them put their own "mark" on the day. Then a few days before the big day, we went and picked out special underwear. Every day we talked up the big day with videos or books, and little confidence building comments through out the day.
then once the big day came (typically a weekend), we took off the diaper and pants. and for the whole weekend, I just followed them around and reminded them to go potty every 30 min to an hour (or sometimes just asking them if they need to go potty...being very consistent with the time in between potty...then gradually trusting them to just go when it was time to go. We even woke them up at 11 and 2am to bring them to the potty. Oh and be sure to celebrate each time he uses the potty...especially the poops.
There were accidents, yes, and they helped clean them up by bringing me the things I needed to clean it up. We also picked up some bedwetting pads to put under the sheets to catch any mess there.
BUT the biggest thing is that your child has to be ready to do it. It has to be his decision.
One thing my husband did to help prepare the boys is, take them to go when he went.
So funny...I would sometimes listen at the door
"check out these bubbles, pretty cool huh"
Other comments, were, big boys go like this or he would do a little dance like he had to go pee then he would ask (implore) our son to go with him.
make it fun regardless of what happens and don't get frustrated. Some children aren't ready for awhile, and that's ok.