I purchased both the baby bjorn potty chair and seat.
My daughter has no interest in the chair.
She does like the seat for the big girl potty.
We tried potty training a few months back but she wasnt ready. I would take her to the bathroom and sing a potty song to get her excited about it and had some books and toys like flash cards for her to stay intertained. Nothing has happened yet.
But reciently she has been telling me she has poo poo or that she needs a diaper change by tapping her diaper...in front for pee pee and back for poo poo.
Now that she is aware of her body functions and has already been prepaired by a trial run she is excited when we go to the potty. So I take her to the bathroom and show her that poo poo goes in the potty. And sit her there til she is ready to get off.
I do not force her to go the the potty which is the key.
When starting potty training do not ask do you need to go to the potty. Odds are they will say no.
Say it is time to go potty! With excitement! If it is fun they will learn better.
I would plan not to leave the house for the week of potty training unless you are prepaired to continue the potty training outside the house. Let your friends know that you are potty training your child so they are aware when you visit.
Also I found out sugary drinks for some reason are bad to give when training it for some reason blocks off the sensation of having to pee. Stick with Water and milk when training.
Good luck.