my daughter is 12 months old and is in the 20-25th percentile for weight. she is in a higher percentile for her height, though. she is reaching her developmental mile...
When is a good time to get my 16 month old's ears pierced. I know she will not sit still for a minute during the process and may get hurt. Freinds and family have bee...
My 3year old daughter has Eczema on the top of her hands. Some days are worse than others. Right now I'm using regular fragrance free hand creams. I'm afr...
yesterday was our dd 15m check up and the pedi said she was far advanced in her gross motor skills and her comprehension but lacking in her verbal. She says mama, dad...
Hello there, I would like to get your opinion and experiences by being fulltime employed (lots of overhours as well) and still being a good mom. My son is in daycare ...
My daughter will be 7 years old in a few weeks. She's generally a very good kid - she does well in school, plays well with others, and so on. But where the other ki...
I am a working mother of the most beautiful 2 1/2 yr old married to the most wonderful man. My situation is that since I went back to work when my son was 12 weeks o...
I'm looking for advice from anyone that has an only child. My husband is adamant about only having one child and giving him the best future possible. I am not compl...
I love this chat group but there's something that's been bothering me. It seems that almost every day someone posts a thread about their marriage troubles. It break...
For as long as we've been together (6 years), my husband and I have spent Christmas Eve with my family, then gotten up at 3 or 4 a Christmas morning to travel 6 hours...