Reading: Toddler, Baby Einstein

Results 51-60 from 660 articles

16 Month Old Is Driving Me Crazy

T.W. asks from San Francisco

so my 16 month old is driving me crazy. for the past few months she's been very needy, crying and whining when i put her down or leave the room (even if her dad is w...


Going to the Movies with a 17 Month Old

J.T. asks from New York

hello ladies, I was wondering how old a child should be before you can take them to the movies??? My daughter is 17 months old and she will sit thru Shrek at home. I...


1.5 Hour Flight with a 12 Month Old

C.B. asks from Denver

So I am headed on a 1.5 hour flight to see Grandma and Grandpa with my 12 month old (by myself, of course, Dad's gotta work...)- I have been reading all the flight su...


Traveling with a 23 Month Old

B.K. asks from Dayton

I am preparing to take an 8 hour car trip with my parents and my daughter. Any suggestions to make it as comfortable and enjoyable for everyone in the car? Thank you!


4 Hour Plane Ride with 16 Month Old on Lap

N.P. asks from Boston

Hi Moms, So I am traveling in December to Dominican Republic courtesy of my in-laws. There is going to be 26 of us! I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity....


Anyone Heard of or Used "Your Baby Can Read" Tv?

M.T. asks from Dallas

Hi there, my youngest sister saw an infomercial on tv the other day about "Your Baby Can Read" where 2-3 year olds were reading at a third grade level. Has anyone out...


Book Recommendations

L.S. asks from Chicago

Hi moms - I need help with some book recommendations for my neices and nephew. I want to get them some books, but I am unsure what the best ones are for their ages -...


Any Ideas on Good Flashcards for My 21 Month Old Daughter?

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

Late one night, while nursing my 4 month old son, I saw an infomercial on flashcards for toddlers. I can not remember the name and thought some of you mommies might ...


Favorite Books

J.K. asks from Dallas

I am trying to get some new books for my son. He is almost 2. I was wondering what books are your child's favorites?


Any Advice on Helping Get an 18 Month Old Ready for a New Sibling?

S.Z. asks from Chicago

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant, so since I'm in my last 12 weeks (I'll have a c-section at 39 weeks) I think it's time to start trying to get my now 18 month old son accos...