Preschooler: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 214 articles

Thanks for the Fun at Munchkin Gym!

A.O. asks from Kansas City

I had a wonderful time watching my 3 year old run around and fly through the air on things at Munchkin Gym this last Friday. I would have loved to have met some peopl...


Having Descipline Issues with My 2 Year 5 Month Old.

R.H. asks from Denver

Rescently My little munchkin has started something new.. She has done the typical throw herself down or stand and scream fits for her age. We deal with those by telli...


Explaining Death to a 4 Year Old

C.T. asks from Boca Raton

Ok... We need to expalin to our 4 year old daughter that Gigi (Great Grandma) passed away..We have recently gone through a heart transplant and she understands that g...


4 Year Old Bday Party

H.H. asks from Philadelphia

My son is turning 4 on March 16th and he is currently in preschool/daycare and I have goin back and forth with weather or not I should have him invite the kids in his...


15 Month Old Not Talking PART 2!!... Tongue Tied...

R.D. asks from Richmond

My 15 month old son says mama, dada, and nye nye (night night, when he's tired). If he wants more of something, instead of 'more please', he says mama. He listens pre...


Potty Training My 3 Year Old!

S.F. asks from Lima

I'm at my wits end! Today is my son's 3rd birthday and he still is not potty trained! He will pee all day long but when it comes down to doing his dirty business, h...


16 Month Old Still on Bottle

T.R. asks from Indianapolis

I know, many of you may say I am a bad mom, but I put oatmeal and baby food in my son's milk. He is 16 months old and still HAS to have 7oz Milk, 1 jar 2nd Baby food ...


How to Get a 15 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

J.G. asks from Spokane

My son still wakes up anywhere from 2 to 5 times a night. When he wakes up he wants his sippy cup. I am beyond exhausted and would like to enjoy a decent night slee...


My 23 Month Old Son Hates Meat

C.G. asks from New York

My son is becoming more and more picky. I found a temporary solution, and realized that he would rather feed himself, but he will not touch meat! the only time he w...


Need Advice, My 1 Year Old Refuses to Drink Milk

T.B. asks from Albany

I have a 1 year old that was drinking milk from her bottle no problem for about 3 weeks and then about 1 week ago completely refused her bottle all together and now w...