Pets with Children: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 41-50 from 60 articles

Public Behavior

W._. asks from Harrisburg

Good Morning Everyone - My son is 21 months old and I am having trouble controlling him in public. He will not listen to me or my husband when we are shopping or eat...


Sippy Cups

L.F. asks from Chicago

We are on the brink of transitioning our 11 1/2 monthold son off of formula and on to milk. We would also like to discontinue the bottle at the same time. He has ...


Hib Vaccine at 6 Months Given Without the Powder

N.A. asks from Honolulu

My 6-month old son went to the doctor for his 6-month check up and was given a Hib vaccine (along with 2 other shots). He had already received this vaccine at 2 month...


Diaper Rash

K.W. asks from Dallas

my 2yr old daughter has been sick for the entire month of october with a virus and ear infections and now she has a horrible diaper rash that desitin isnt...


The Birds and the Bees... and Bambi

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I were screening the movie Bambi last night. We wanted to watch it before our 3 year old saw it to know if it would be appropriate. Well, the beginni...


First Time Feeding Table food..Any Ideas?

K.C. asks from St. Louis

Tonight will be my sons second time actually trying table food but we stopped for a while cause he was gagging on anything chunky....Anyway just wondering if u had so...


One Year Old with Eczema

S.E. asks from Washington DC

I have a one year old son with severe eczema, He was diagonosed at the age of 3 month. His doctor has prescribed everything from creams to benadryl for the itching. I...


Nicknames vs Full Name

J.M. asks from Lexington

So my husband and I have started our steps to becoming parents through adoption. We have spent the last few weeks talking about names and have settled, so far on 3 b...


Broken or Not

L.D. asks from Lincoln

Feel like a terrible mother right now. Was frustrated when baby girl went in to her brothers room and woke him up so I scooped her up and rushed her to her room to pu...


Introducing Solid Foods

A.A. asks from Jackson

Starting in the afternoon it seems that my breasts feel very empty and he doesn't seem as satisfied at his 8 and 10om feeding as he did before. I've started pumping ...