Pets with Children: Toddler, Seventh Generation

Results 1-10 from 52 articles

What Products to Use for an Infant Who Has a Rash

K.W. asks from Las Vegas

Hi I was wondering what products many of you recommend for an infant (2 month old) who has a very bad sandpaper like rash all over her body. Her back is actually pee...


"Green" Cleaning Products

B.F. asks from Minneapolis

Im trying to switch to safer cleaning products and Im wondering what people are using. I use a lot of vinegar and baking soda. Im really looking for a bleach alternat...


SEVERE Diaper Rash!

G.L. asks from San Francisco

My 17 month old daughter never really had diaper rash until about month ago when she developed one. It has gotten worse and then better and then worse again and the p...


How Much Are You Spending on Groceries Every Month?

G.G. asks from Austin

There are 4 of us in my family. My husband, myself, 7 yr old and 3 yr old. How much are you all spending on groceries every month? I am a big believer in healthy e...


Any Other Options You Have Tried for a Toddler's Very Severe Asthma?

A.K. asks from Norfolk

I am writing this in hopes to have any and all suggestions and personal experiences sent my way! My little guy who is now 3 years old has been battling asthma/allerg...



C.C. asks from Los Angeles

My 10 month old daughter has eczema on the backof her legs. It has gotten bad inthe last few days, to where she will not sleep at night unless I am holding her. I h...


Two Cloth Diaper Questions

M.B. asks from Dayton

I started cloth diapering my toddler a few months ago, but now we get the worst ammonia smell whenever he wets. I have tried and tried to strip them but it doesn't s...


My Son Has Diaper Rash

L.J. asks from Fresno

My son gets diaper rash quite often and i have tried everything out there, from creams to powders and he still gets them bad. Is there anything else that will help???


My 3 Year Old Daughter Suffers from Extreme Eczema.

K.T. asks from Austin

She's had eczema since 3 months. We've tried everything any doctor instructs. Nothing has helped. I'm currently working with a chemist who is trying to formulate a pr...


Asthma , Kids, and Puppy

J.S. asks from New York

My 4 yr old son was sick with upper respitory infection for almost 3 weeks... He was better and we stopped his meds .. He did see his pediatrician who was fine with h...