Pets with Children: Toddler, BOB

Results 81-90 from 365 articles

JFF: What Book Does Your Toddler Make You Read over and over and over Again?

E.S. asks from New York

Yes, you know the one. The book you try to hide but they find it anyway. The book you can recite by heart because you read it infinite amount of times. Yeah, that one...


Seeking Recipies for Child with Multiple Allergies

A.H. asks from Grand Rapids

Hello ladies! I am looking for recipies for a little girl that is just over 3. She is allergic to milk, eggs, and wheat. She is just getting to the age where she i...


Looking for Other Moms with a Child Diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome

S.R. asks from Decatur

Hi, I am wanting to talk with other mom's who deal with or even know about Asperger Syndrome, my 7 year old little boy was diagnosed 3 years ago and also has ADHD. I ...


My Son Can't Read

J.G. asks from Panama City

He is six years old. 2 years ago we moved from Florida to Mexico. He is fluent in spanish and english, he goes to a bi lingual school. However, he still cannot read....


Best Stroller and Car Seat for 1 Yr. Old

N.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, My daughter will be one in a few weeks, and I wanted to hear from all the moms about which stroller and car seat is best. She is almost grown out of her in...


My Daughter Cut Her Hair and I'm Really Upset

J.C. asks from Seattle

my daughter gave herself a bit of a punk rock haircut tonight, chopping off all her bangs in kind of a buzz cut fashion. i realize i may qualify for vainest mom on t...


Hard to Even Ask This, Anyone Regret Their Child's Name Decision?

N.M. asks from Chicago

my husband really wanted a junior. I did express my worry but did not totally object. Now it is just annoying to have to call my husband and him the same name. I h...


Seeking Advice & Recipies for Allergice Son

L.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi we just saw our Dr. yesterday. In reviewing my 14 year old son's blood work it was mentied that he scored high in being allergic to wheat and milk. I am confused ...


Jogging Stroller

M.B. asks from Chicago

I'm looking at getting a walking/jogging/everyday stroller. My son is 7 months old and is about grown out of his infant car seat. We have a Chicco Cortina travel sy...


Bad Mommy: a List of 10 Random Things

T.V. asks from New York

I'll preface this post by saying this. This is intended to be a light-hearted post. We are all moms, REAL moms and we all do things that we (and others!) may think of...