Online School: Myself, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 59 articles

Gift Ideas for My Daughter's Fifth Birthday That Are Not Toys?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My daughter will be turning five in two months and I am having trouble coming up with ideas as to what to get her for her birthday. She is not very into toys at all. ...


What Are Your Toddlers Favorite Activities?

T.I. asks from Sacramento

I have an almost 3 year old, very energetic daughter. I am having a difficult time finding creative activities for her to do or for us to do together. I own the Tod...


Pregnant Mom on Bed Rest Looking for Things to Do with 4 Year Old. HELP!

D.R. asks from Chicago

I am 36 weeks pregnant and have been on-and-off bed rest for 3 months. I am looking for things to do with our fabulous 4 year old daughter - inside or outside. I am o...


Educational Play

R.S. asks from Sacramento

I am fairly new to this stay at home mom stuff and want to make sure I do what I can to best keep my children educated and yet having fun. i dont feel I have much di...


Sahm Seeking Suggestions for at Home Activities to Do with My Toddler

T.C. asks from Austin

I feel so stupid asking this but... my daughter and I are both bored with all her toys and the same old activities we do together at home. We spend a lot of time ou...


Stay at Home Mom

K.H. asks from Houston

What do you do with your kids during the day? I have a two and a half year old and a three month old. I'm already getting bored doing the same things day after day. M...


Am I Doing Enough?

A.Z. asks from Allentown

I am worried that I am not an effective stay at home mom. DD is 2 years old, very verbal, and independent. I try to join in as she plays, but most of the time she p...


5 Year Old Lying

L.J. asks from Kansas City

my daughter has been telling little lies and we catch her all the time when we ask her what happened she will automatically tell me she does not know or she will blam...


pre-K Curriculum Ideas/resources ETA

I.G. asks from Seattle

This is a question for all the homeschooling moms out there. I am not homeschooling, but I would like to make the time I spend with DD at home a bit more productive...


Birthday Party Goodie-bag Ideas

N.P. asks from Dallas

I am so tired of all the junk-goodie-bags my kids get at all the birthday parties they attend. My daughter is turning 6 and is having her party at a bounce-house-plac...