I have been working on an MBA through Capella University. They are fully acredited and it has been a wonderful experience! I highly recommend Capella for any student, as long as you are self disciplined. You can take classes as quickly or as slowly as you need to. Since my employer gives me so much each year for tuition, I only take as many classes as my tuition reimbursement will pay for - I have two classes left and I'll have that masters degree in May, 2011. Almost done!
Capella is entirely online and based in Minneapolis. A typical master's class is 6 weeks long, usually requires weekly reading, online discussion posts, responses to other learners discussion posts and a weekly paper. The last week usually adds a final paper as well. It sounds like a lot (and it can be!) but I have been able to complete much of my coursework after the kids go to bed at night - and I do some over lunch and breaks at work. I am proud to say that with some careful planning, I have never missed out on any family events or activities due to school.
I am not sure how the course structure is for undergrad coursework, but I imagine it is similar - I think the courses might be 8 weeks instead though.
You have to be disciplined to do it - but you CAN do it! As for finding a job - well, with the economy the way it is right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school...there is no better time!
check out http://www.capella.edu/.
I think they might even offer free sample classes. There are some great videos to about a night in the life of a capella learner. They really helped me to see that I could this while being a wife, mom, and full time employee!