Nutramigen: Older Child

Results 31-40 from 110 articles

Looking for Breastfeeding Advice

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms. Here's my dilemma. I have a beatiful new baby girl whom is about 9 weeks old. Before she was born I promised myself I would do the best I could when it ...


Infant with Reflux

C.S. asks from Wichita Falls

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early. The doctor has him on previcid and it has not seemed to work. We have him on the Similic...


Super Hungry 3 Month Old! Help!

T.D. asks from Dallas

My daughter is three months old today. I am going to try to get her to a Dr. on Monday but in the meantime I was sincerely hoping someone could shed some light on wh...


O Add Anyone Use Crib Wedge or Something to Help Baby Reflux?

M.T. asks from Miami

A friend of mine has a baby that we think has reflux. The baby is 4 months old and has trouble sleeping. Her baby slept well the first month he was born, but then c...


Has Anyone Used Infant Neocate Formula?

J.N. asks from Denver

Our 3 month old was just put on Neocate to see if it cleares up the mucus in her poop. If you have used this formula you know how expensive it is. Is there anything...


Little One with Constipation

A.W. asks from Minneapolis

Any suggestions??! I've pumped his legs. Reduced solids to once every 2 days. I'vo bough prune juice but don't know whether to just give it to him as is in a sippy or...


Would You Give Your 8 Mo Old Goats Milk?

L.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, after nursing for 7 months we put our DD on Lipil w/Iron. Baby caught a cold and once cold symptoms were gone, her cough continued and it sounded like congestion....


Fussy Baby!

C.L. asks from Abilene

Hello Moms!!! I am hoping some of you have some advice for me. My son is 5 weeks old today and seems to be very fussy, especially in the evening. He wants to constant...


Allergic to Formula?

S.T. asks from El Paso

I have been pumping and feeding my 5 month old breast milk up until now, but my milk supply is dwindling, and I am ready to put her on formula. We tried Similac form...


5 Month Old Still Spitting up Frequently...

E.Y. asks from Columbia

My 5 month old son, Jaxon, spits up constantly! We're not talking the average spit up. It's projectile happening multiple times during feedings and in-between feedi...