If you are getting WIC at age 6 months they add rice cereal to your vouchers. That is the ONLY food they add until the baby is a bit older. AND the rice is supposed to be really runny, so they that are getting a little rice but mostly formula. This helps them develop swallowing substance instead of just liquid.
IF our doc has said that you can add food you should ONLY add a few tiny nibbles per day. Why? Your baby's tummy isn't ready for food yet. They can't digest it so it sits there and rots in their tummy and guts. It upsets their tummy and gives them gas and more gas since it isn't digesting right.
Formula is complete food. All they really need until they're older.
Did you know that baby food is only flavored goo? They add a few vitamins to it but as soon as it's cooked it starts loosing all it's nutrients.
It sits on the factory shelf until the trucks come get it, then it goes to the store warehouse until a truck comes to get it, then it goes to the store and sits in the back until they get low on that particular kind. Then it sits on the shelf for who knows how long.
By the time baby food gets on the baby's plate it might be 6 months old and have zero nutrition. The closer it is to the expiration date the less nutrition it has too.
Where did I get my facts? I called either Del Monte or Gerber about some Stage 3 baby food a friend gave me. It had gone out of date the day before she gave it to me. I called the company to find out if it was really risky or just a "sell by" sort of date.
That person that I talked to me told me all this information. They told me that baby food was a tool, NOT FOOD, it's a tool to teach the baby to chew and swallow so that when they get on table food they don't choke so much.
I found out through my own research that fat babies are probably being starved. Right? Sound stupid? It's not if you think about it.
You give your baby some baby food, they gobble it up. Then half an hour later they are hungry again. You give them more empty calories that doesn't give them any nutrition, so they're starving for food again in a few minutes.
You give them a little formula now and then and think you're doing a great job, your baby is getting fat and eating like crazy. But it's the same as giving them candy or celery for their entire daily food intake. Empty calories that add up and add up and add up but no nutrition.
Formula is perfect. It has every nutrient they need, so does breast milk. Always give formula or nurse your baby first then offer tiny tidbits of baby food to help them learn to chew and swallow.
As they get closer to a year old you can cook foods that will be nutritious for them. Cook your own green beans, you can even buy them raw and organic if you have to. I used canned food. Make mashed potatoes, grind up some carrots, use your own food that you bought and cooked.
I used a Pampered Chef Food Chopper to do our kids food when they were small. I hit it 20 times when they were and about times when they were toddlers. They didn't choke on the food when it was that small.
Mash them up or use a blender to get them where your baby can eat them. Add a little formula to them to make them runnier too. You don't want them to try and eat food that's too dry. They won't be able to get it down.