Maybe you can find a store or web site that still has the older formula and order a case (or whatever you think you need).
My new little girl is extremely sensitive and has acid reflux. She has a terrible gag reflux and Nutramigen is the only formula she can tolerate. I had bought the same can at the store and noticed it looked different the label then the old can. I got it home opened it and noticed the scooper almost twice the size of old one.After a week of my little one eating this formula with enflora she became gassy,fussy,bloated, and refused to eat. I called enfamil whom stated that they did not change the label but have add a new ingredient to the formula a probitic and the scopper is twice as big because the formula is lighter now. I had an old can of the formula without the enflora and she sucked it right down no problem slept 8:30 to 7:00. I mentioned the enflora to the doctor whom seemed surprised my the reaction my daughter was having. he asked me to try the similac brand and she threw up instantly and was so uncomfortable afterwards. the powder formula from enfamil without enflora with no longer be avaliable. i have not tried rtf but will be next step. anywho has anyone else experienced the same problem with enflora? does your baby tolerate it better as they get older
Maybe you can find a store or web site that still has the older formula and order a case (or whatever you think you need).
I know from my personal experience with probiotics that it can take your body a few days to get used to them. The side effects are gas and bloating. Probiotics have many benefits and are supposed to help with colic and digestion. My daughter was on Nutramigen for a few weeks and the 2 formulas are easily confused because they look exactly the same. If they aren't going to make the plain anymore, maybe you can "wean" her onto the new formula. Give her mostly the plain with a few ounces of the probiotic formula added and slowly increase it so her body gets used to it.
try alumentem (sp?). used to be like the nutramigen. check ingrd forst of course.
also, the carnation seems to be easier on the tummy as well.
Same issue with my daughter the only fix for us was to go to the liquid readymade formula which does not have enflora.
my grandson seem to be having the same problem i think its time that enfamil take a second look at butting the enflora in its formulas my grandson has broken out with a body rash and sores in his head when we took him off the powder fomula he stated clearing up we but him on the ready to feed i dont know what the difference is between the powder and the ready to feed but he is doing a lot better we are not working on switching him to lactaid . enfamil needs to look at making a toddler formula for kids who still can not have milk or soy
When you say you tried the "similac brand" was that Alimentum? Alimentum is hypo allergenic and should work as well as the Nutramigen. Does your baby have an allergy? Enflora has a probiotic (a live bacteria) in it, that is why it is only available in powder form. This bacteria might be what is causing the bloating and gas you described.
I am not sure what kind of digestive issues your baby has but my son has diary and could not have nutramigen. It does contain a small amount of broken down milk proteins. My pediatrician didn't even know this. we went to a specialist. The only formula he could have was Elecare which is amino acid based and you have to special order it from the lab). Good luck!
My daughter is having the exact same problem as your little one! I don't know what step to take next-lease let me know what you suggest if anything works for you!!
Thank you!!