my daughter is 12 months old and is in the 20-25th percentile for weight. she is in a higher percentile for her height, though. she is reaching her developmental mile...
Hi Moms! My 10 1/2 month son has not been gaining much weight. He's about 20lbs and 32 inches long. This puts him in the 20-50th percentile weight-wise (dropped from ...
My son is two and has been "off the charts" (over 97th percentile) in terms of height and weight (but not "overweight") since about 6 months old. (He is about 37.5 in...
I am at a loss, so I thought I would see if anyone else had experienced these same issues with their little one...
My son is 15 months and only weighs 16 lbs. Befor...
My son is 9 weeks and about 9 pounds/23 inches. That is right about at the very bottom of the infant weight curve (5th percentile) if not below. He was born 7 pound...
My daughter is 9 months old and she is in the 95% percentile in weight and 50% percentile in height. She's 22lbs. and 27.5 inches. She is breastfed and is eating so...
My baby is now 4 months old. At her check up last week, she was 15 percentile for weight and 95 percentile for height. (long & lean like her mom!) At the 2 month chec...
We have been fighting constipation issues for at least two years now and we went to a GI doctor yesterday. While at that appointment we discovered that our daughter h...
I wanted to know if my daughter is much smaller than most. She is 8 months old, and she weighs 14 lbs. she is JUST now fitting into her 6-9 month clothes. Does thi...
My son is 20 months old and only 21 lbs. He's been in the "under third percentile" for weight since he was about 6 months. He's been about 30-50 percentile for height...