Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Luv

Results 11-20 from 40 articles

When to start mixing infant cereal in with formula?

A.B. asks from Tulsa

I'm just wondering if anyone knows when you can start mixing infant cereal in with formula. My daughter is eating 4 oz every 2 hrs and we are wanting to try cereal to...


Cats and Kids . . .

L.L. asks from Lexington

We are currently a pet free home (sadly) and my husband and I are trying to decide about our "pet future." We just lost our dog, and have been talking about getting ...


Nervous Wreck-baby Constantly Getting Sick and Growth Has Leveled Off

W.T. asks from New York

My nearly 9 month old son has had one virus after the next ever since he started day care (three days a week). Though he is very petite (my husband and i come from a ...


Leaky Diapers...

A.M. asks from El Paso

Hi Girls! Help! My 3 1/2 month old, exclusively breastfed son has very runny bowel movements. I've been told be several doctors this is normal for breastfed babies...


Baby's with Tracheostomies

K.F. asks from Albany

My son who will be 1 yr tomorrow has a tracheostomy as well as a MIC-KEY(gastrostomy tube) he has had the trach. from the time he was born and the MIC-KEY since he wa...


Advice on Sleeping

K.K. asks from New York

Hi, I've been reading sooo much on sleep issues but haven't found a good plan to address our particular problem. I thought maybe you Mamas can help. Background: ...


I Don't Wanna Be Everyones Babysitter.

D.A. asks from San Antonio

I am a part time employee in the business that me and my husband own. During school months I work from 8 to 12, after that I do some housework, laundry, and pay bill...


2 Kids, Not Enough Sex

A.O. asks from Portland

Here it goes...How much sex are mamas getting these days? The fact that we have a 4 month old and a 3 year old is an automatic deterrent from getting it on. Our goa...


Moving Baby (14 Months) to Own Room

M.S. asks from Washington DC

First of all, please dont scold me. I know it was not the best thing to do but but my baby sleeps with us. I have a 5 year old that does too but I already know how ...


Seeking Fun with a 1 Yr Old

A.P. asks from Chicago

My husband, son and I always loved going to the beach and camping. Last summer was a big bummer for our family because we couldn't do much of the stuff we enjoy becau...