Nap & Bedtime: Toddler, First Response

Results 21-30 from 47 articles

Need a New Bedtime Routine

B.B. asks from Davenport

My daughter recently turned 1. Since she was born I have always rocked her to bed with a bottle in her room, with no lights on and door shut. Until she was 11 month...


Unplanned Pregnancy - How to Tell Husband

J.H. asks from Houston

I have two sons (2 1/2 years and 14 months), which is wonderful but also a lot of work as my husband and I both work full time. I think I may be pregnant again. I'm...



K.B. asks from Phoenix

I AM SOOOO DESPERATE FOR HELP!!! my son is 6 months old and has VERY sensitive skin. he screams most of the day, cant sleep other than 10 min at a time when he wears...


Weening a Baby from a Nighttime Bottle

D.W. asks from Cincinnati

What age is a good age to begin weening a baby from their nghttime bottle? My daughter in law is trying to tell me that her pediatrician is telling her now....the ba...



M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking for a new pediatrician for my 10 month old daughter. We live in Oak Park. I'm still nursing and have no intention of stopping soon but also hope to conc...


HELP! My Yorkie Has Become Agressive Towards My Crawling Baby!

N.I. asks from Seattle

My son is 9mo old and crawling and trying to walk. Since he has become more mobile for the last 2-3 months. all the dog does is try to nip at his ankles! We try to sc...


33 Week Old Infant Weaning Herself from Breast

B.B. asks from Houston

I have exclusively breastfed my baby until we went on a trip. I wasn't able to breastfed at times in public and gave my daughter a bottle. Now, she cries at my breast...


Looking for Advice About Breastfeeding an Almost 4 Year Old

G.A. asks from Boston

Hello, my son is going to be 4 years old in March and he is still an avid nurser. He nurses at least 3 times a night, in the morning, before bed and through out the ...


4 Year Old Behavior

J.K. asks from Phoenix

My daughter just turned 4 is out of control, from the moment she wakes up she has this attitude and doesn't listen at all. it is so frustrating, i put her in time ou...


How Do You Know When....

M.F. asks from Boston

Hi,this is my first request... so let me see wher do i start my husband and i are parents to a beautifal baby girl she is 6.5 months old and she is wonderful, My moth...