Nap & Bedtime: Child

Results 31-40 from 8,525 articles

Which Baby Sleep "Method" Worked for You

S.B. asks from Dallas

Around seven or eight months of age, sleep turned into an issue with my first child. My son stopped sleeping through the night and didn't go back to it until he was ...


Angry 5 Year Old

C.J. asks from Norfolk

I started seeing a councelor a couple of months ago to help me deal with problems I was having with my own temper. I was out of control, and found myself no longer a...


Need Advice About Bed Wetting for My 5 Year Old. Please Help!

J.J. asks from Nashville

My 5 year old son wets the bed almost every night. He acts like it's no big deal, and doesn't seem interested in stopping. He starts kindergarten in the fall, and I a...


Impulsive/ADHD In 5 Year Old Boy

E.D. asks from St. Louis

At my son's 5 year well check we discussed some concerns with our ped regarding behavior. We had been getting reports at preschool that he had a hard time sitting at ...


Sleep for Almost 6 Year Old Without Drugs

S.M. asks from Miami

When I was young I was given Atarax because I was very nervous (probably had hard time going to sleep). My daughter has difficult time going to sleep but I would rath...


5 Year Old Picky Eater!! Need Help Before He Has to Eat Lunch at School!

M.W. asks from Springfield

My 5 year old son is so picky that i am concerned. I will start with telling you everything he eats. Breakfast foods, pancake, poptart, or applejacks cereal. Which ...


Please Help - 5 Year Old Won't Go to Sleep

A.S. asks from Dallas

Please don't answer this if you feel the need to criticize my frustration with my 5 y.o. DS. I have asked a similar question before and got some answers that I didn'...


6 Year Old Sleep Issues + Separation Anxiety + Power = One Tired Family!

K.M. asks from Portland

Help! My 6 year old son has some serious sleep issues, separation anxiety, and power struggles going on these days! And sadly, the separation and power are directly m...


Need Help with 5 Year Old Daughter Who Has Major Attitude!!!

M.R. asks from Allentown

My almost 5 1/2 year old daughter is making it so I don't want to be around her. She doesn't listen to a simple cleaning her craft mess up. She start i...


5 Year Old Daughter with ADHD/ODD

S.G. asks from Norfolk

I have a 5 yr. old daughter that has ADHD/ODD and has been diaganosed with it since she was three years old. She has been on medication for it since the age of four....